Friday, June 25, 2010

Yesterday, I almost felt a little like Carrie Bradshaw (Sex & the City).... so needless to say, I had a great day!

I took the train into the city yesterday afternoon (figured it all out on my own) and got there around 3:00.  I went to a couple of my favorite stores that we don't have up here- Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, etc.  Then, I stepped into a three-story Barnes & Noble in Center City and waited out a torrential downpour!  I looked like a hurricane came through!  Three stories of books gave me plenty to look at!  I read a "book" called Post Secret: The Secret Lives of Men and Women.... it's essentially a collection of post- cards with people's deepest, darkest secrets on them that they anonymously send into this guy and he compiles them into books.  My brother had one a couple years ago and I was sooo intrigued by it.  So, that helped me occupy the time while waiting for the monsoon to pass.

I then went to meet one of my new friends (Ashley) at a coffee shop in a district called Old City.  It's SUCH a neat area.  Lots of cute boutiques and artsy stuff on the east side of Philly.  So, I was there about 30 minutes early so I just sat, had an iced coffee (since it was CRAZY hot yesterday) and read the remaining pages of "Lone Survivor".  She showed up about 5:30 and then we went shopping at a couple of the aforementioned boutiques (where I got an AWESOME yellow sailor jacket on sale) and then finally went to a Junior League benefit at one of the boutiques.  Basically, it was a charity thing where 20% of the profits that night went to Junior League but I couldn't bare to spend almost $200 on a pair of jeans.  No way.  So, Ashley and I just watched as some girls spent close to $400 on two pair of jeans.... some even bought jeans and shoes!  NUTS!  It was fun though!  I met a lot of girls who are either already in Junior League or who are planning on joining this year with me.  Most of them live in the city but I did meet one girl, Vicki, who lives close to me and she seems pretty cool, plus she golfs!  So, now I have a female golf partner.  It seems like Junior League will be so much fun.  Ashley has been in it for 5 years now and she is the Provisional Chair... basically, she handles the recruiting of new members (who are called Provisionals).  Also, the first project the provisionals work on when we kick off in September is the "Spring Project".  So, Ashley let me in on the secret of what the Spring Project will be and it's going to be a "green" fashion show in Old City!  We'll either have it inside a neat venue or we'll close down part of Market Street in order to host it there.  All of the hair and make-up is being done by an organic salon up here and the clothes will be relatively earth-friendly as well.  I can't wait!  I get to pick which committee I want to be on so it will be super fun.  This is right up my alley.  So anyway, after the benefit, she and I had dinner at a place called Cosmopolitan (a Steven Starr restaurant) and about six other girls from the benefit ended up joining us.  I had to cut the night a little short because I had to walk about 12 blocks (yes, it's a safe area, Mom & Dad- plus, Ashley walked with me) to get to the train station before 9:30 when the last train leaves that runs all the way up near our house.  So, I got home close to 11.... long day!

This morning I was awaken at about 7:20 a.m. by someone knocking on my front door.  Today is another painting day in our development and they are painting our garage door and front door.  So, that startled me out of bed!  Now, I have to wait for them to finished before I can actually get out of the house and do anything.  I think I'm going to go up to the pool on base (just found out that they have one!) and get some sun.

As I mentioned earlier, I finished "Lone Survivor" last night and it was such an amazing story.  I definitely would recommend that as a good read.  At the beginning of the year, one of the items on my 2010 bucket list was to read 12 books this year.  Well, we're six months into the year and I'm six books into my goal!  Half way there!  Now, I need to go to the bookstore and find another one.  Not sure what I'm looking for.  I might get the new book by Laura Bush... that should be interesting.

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Stay cool and keep praying about the oil and our pitiful beaches.

Love you all!



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