Monday, June 7, 2010

This past weekend, we celebrated my 25 birthday one week early.  As I mentioned in a past post, Christian and I take trips instead of doing gift for special occasions.  So, this weekend, we took a trip up to the Pocono Mountains in Northeastern Pennsylvania.  We had a blast!  Unfortunately, prior to us leaving Saturday morning, I took myself to the emergency room with a urinary tract infection.  NOT FUN!  Fortunately, though, it only took about an hour and then we were on our way!  We made it up there around noon Saturday, had lunch and then drove into Narrowsburg, NY to rent kayaks and kayak down the Delaware River.  So, Christian and I did the five mile trip in about 2 hours and had a really great time!  The river was pretty calm and it was very low.  I got stuck on top of rocks a couple times, which was a pain but otherwise, it was fun.  It's was a beautiful day and the scenery couldn't have been much better!  

After we finished our river trip, we headed back into Hawley, PA where we stayed at a bed and breakfast. It was so nice!  Cute, quaint, artsy place with amazing service and even better food!  The restaurant that they have on the property was a farm to table restaurant which means everything is SUPER fresh... and boy, was it!  Christian said he felt like he was eating a tree at one point.  haha It was VERY good though.  We ate outside on their terrace and watched a rain storm come in and we were so tired by the end of dinner that we just went back to our room and fell asleep watching Talladega Nights (perfect seg-way for the next day's adventure).  Sunday morning we woke up and had a great breakfast and then headed down to the Pocono Raceway to see the Pocono 500.  

Let me just tell you, NASCAR races have THE most interesting people as fans.  I could sit there and people watch allllllll day long.  There was one lady near us who just epitomized the NASCAR fan.  She was hammered at about 11 a.m. and yelling and just being crazy.  I have a picture of her on my facebook in the album "Northeast Adventures".  You can't miss her.  When they started announcing names of the drivers, she would take there names and turn it into something vulgar.  For instance, if there was a driver named John Hardin, she would have said "John's got a hard on!".  hahah I kid you not.  It was hilarious.   However, I will say, that was probably the last race I'll ever go to.  Not really my cup of tea.  I don't understand what it so interesting about watching 20-something cars go around a track for 500 miles.  The only interesting things that happen are wrecks and then the last like two laps of the race.... and of course the fans.  Other than that, you got me!  

A couple guys from Christian's squadron were at the race next to us and they are really nice.  One of them had his wife with him and she was pretty cool.  But, they're moving at the end of this month so that's a bummer.  They're having a party this coming weekend that we're going to go to so maybe we'll meet some other people from the squadron there.  We went to dinner with them last night on the way home and had some good conversations and laughs.  We finally got home at about 10:30 last night and went right to bed! It cooled off a LOT yesterday when the rain came through.  We had four or five days of temps in the 90s and then it got down around 60 degrees last night and today it's absolutely gorgeous outside and about 70-75 degrees!  Windows are open for sure!  It's supposed to stay this way all week so right about now, I'm loving this weather compared to Florida's!  

Y'all need to let me know how everything is going down there with you!  Has anyone been to the beach to see the oil?  That just breaks my heart!  

Anyway, I'm off to get some things done around the house!  Love you all!

Have a wonderful week!


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