Thursday, June 10, 2010

I was listening to the Gayle King show on Oprah Radio yesterday and Elizabeth Gilbert was on talking about her book (and now movie starring Julia Roberts) "Eat, Pray, Love".  You can listen to the interview here:  

They discussed the book and movie and Gilbert's journey after her divorce, etc.  Then, they talked about casting Julia Roberts to play her.  Gayle and Gilbert raved about how down-to-earth Julia Roberts is in real life and then Gayle brought up this quote from Martha Beck (one of the contributing writers for O, the Oprah Magazine). I loved it so much.

"There are four types of women- women who choose career over family and are conflicted, women who choose family over career who are conflicted, women who choose both career and family who are conflicted and then there are the "mystics", a small sect from any of the few groups who have found their inner voices and they listen."

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be mystics?

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