Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can you believe it's already JUNE?!?

How fast is this year flying by? For me, it's speeding along rather quickly! I can't believe it's already almost half over!

We got back in town yesterday from a long weekend in the mountains of western Maryland. It was a nice trip to see Christian's family and relax! There's NOTHING to do up there so all you really can do it relax! So, I did. :) I finished one book and started another.

The book I finished is called "War". It's a great book written by Sebastian Junger. Junger is a journalist and also wrote the book "The Perfect Storm". "War" is his recollection of five trips he made to Afghanistan as an embedded journalist with one of the US Army's brigades. It was amazing. The group of troops he was with was stationed in the most dangerous areas of Afghanistan, the Korengal Valley. There are three main parts of the book; Fear, Killing, and Love. It's a great book. It's not political at all, which I really appreciated. And, it just makes you so much more aware of what these guys go through on their 12-16 month deployments and it makes me just want to sit down and talk to some of them and give them a big hug.

The book I started is called "The Happiness Project". I'm about a third of the way through that one and it's so great! It's basically one woman's aspiration to make her already happy life happier. She's young (in her 30s) and lives in NYC with her husband and two daughters. She was an attorney and worked with the Supreme Court Justices. But, that didn't fulfill her. So, she quit and started pursuing writing. She started pursuing writing as a career because that's what she did in her free time when she was a lawyer. She wasn't like her other legal colleagues who read law books and discussed historical trials while having a cocktail after work. She wasn't really all that interested in law.... it was just what she did. So, she split up her happiness project into 12 categories (one for each month of this year long project). Basically, she starts a year with 12 new years resolutions. Once she tackles the first month, she moves onto the next month but still keeping her first month's resolution in mind... and so on and so forth. It's very enlightening and hits home because I'm very happy but I know there are things that would make me happier. For instance, not putting off daunting tasks that really only take 5 minutes... or keeping in better touch with distant family... or not being worried what people think.... etc. So, I may just take this book (once I'm finished) and make my own little happiness project! I'll keep you all posted on that!

I've been reading in the news that the oil is getting closer and closer to Pensacola. So sad. It's amazing to me that something like this could happen in a world with so much technology and so much knowledge. We went to church the other day in Maryland and the preacher was talking about how man is never the first to come up with a new invention or a new idea... God has had these ideas forever... we just have to wait for man to figure it out with the material that God has given him. Man, oh, man do I wish man would hurry up and think through all of the tools that God provides and figure out how to fix this thing! I wonder how this will truly effect the beautiful Gulf Coast. As one of my Facebook friends (who lives in New Orleans now but is from P'cola) put it, "How did this come out of no where so that no one had any plan to stop it? What if they don't stop it until August? What if they never stop it? Will the Gulf be black? Will I never see the "Emerald Coast" again? If a hurricane comes, will St. Louis Cathedral be stained with oil? Will a hurricane carry the oil into Pensacola Bay? The Destin Pass? What if these dispersants make everything in the Gulf toxic." Great questions... yet, questions that no one can seem to answer.

Enough ranting about that though and on to other news.... I've finally found a group of doctors up here (women's group) and I have an appointment next week to see a Nurse Practitioner. I had a UTI all weekend and finally got antibiotics from my sister-in-law's mother who gets them frequently. So, I'm going to see if there is anything else I can be doing that I'm not already doing to prevent these things. However, I think I'm doing everything in the books! I also just want to make sure I'm as healthy as possible since a little baby Jenkins is next on our agenda of Life! haha Now, I just have to find a dentist... ugh.

Other than all of that, nothing much is new... just hanging around and running errands! I hope all of you are having a great week and I know those few teachers who are reading this are SUPER excited about this week being the last week!

I love all of you!!!


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