Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hmm... for some reason, this thing isn't showing me where I can title this post. Man, I always try for the clever titles and now it won't even give me the opportunity to rack my brain for something cute. Oh well.

First thing's first; it was brought to my attention yesterday that my blog might not be emailing all of you automatically when I have a new post. I set it up to do this but I know at least one of you isn't receiving them. So, I'll work on that.

We got back yesterday from yet another weekend in Western Maryland to visit Christian's family. We seem to be going about every two or three weeks now. And, we're going again for the fourth of July. Christian just keeps telling me that if we lived close enough for me to go home every two or three weeks then I probably would too.... I'm not so sure about that one. Who knows. But the time up there always gives me a chance to read a lot. I'm about 3/4 through "Lone Survivor". It's an absolutely amazing book. It's written by Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL, who was stationed in Afghanistan and was a member of a crew that went on a mission that ended up being the most deadly SEAL mission. It walks you through his training to become a SEAL and now I'm right in the middle of the battle that killed so many amazing men. My brother's ex-girlfriend, Rosie, is friends with Marcus and his brother Morgan (also a SEAL) and recommended this book to me. Marcus is going to be speaking at a Glenn Beck rally in DC in August so I'm hoping I'm able to go to it! He's so inspiring and it's a miracle that he's alive.

Anywho... Christian leaves this Thursday for seven days in Bahrain. Not sure what I'll be doing to occupy the lonely nights though. Thursday night I have a Junior League benefit to go to down in Philly. Christina and her husband will be in DC this weekend so I may go down and see them and then nothing else is really planned.

So, I think I told you all that Christian finally got qualified and did his first flight in the C130 last week. He really enjoyed it and got all kinds of kuddos from the crew on his landing abilities! They kept saying it was so smooth that they didn't even feel it. So, that's good! He seems to be doing pretty well in this squadron. Which, unfortunately for me, means he'll be gone quite a bit. For instance, he leaves this Thursday and is gone until July 1st.... leaves again July 6th for three days.... leaves again July 11 for four days.... then the next trip that is scheduled isn't until August (but just because something isn't scheduled definitely doesn't mean he won't be leaving!). Oh well, I'm strong and I can handle it. So many other people in this world do. Luckily, I also have a husband who isn't on the front lines in Afghanistan having to fight the evil Taliban. He's high up in the sky and relatively safe from the terrorist (knock on wood). I have a friend I used to work with who's husband had been deployed for about six months now in Afghanistan. During that time, she gave birth to their first baby. She is so strong. She only gets to talk to her husband via email. Only seven more weeks until he's home though... she told me that this morning when I talked to her.

Nothing else major is going on. The weather has been really nice up here. It's just warm enough and not humid so it's nice! I definitely don't miss the Florida summer humidity... but I definitely do miss Florida! The summers just aren't the same up here. I miss the beach and going swimming and all the normal stuff you do during the summer. Last time I got in any kind of water you can swim in is when I was home in May. So, can you believe I'm already ready for Fall?

I have a few travels coming my way... I'm going down to Virginia Beach the second week in July to visit people, Christian and I are going to a friend's place in New Hampshire July 16th for a party before he's deployed to Africa (the same place we go every October). My friend, Christina, and I are going to New Orleans August 13-15 for a girls trip which I'm super excited about (yes, yes, I know, it will be wicked hot but oh well). I might come home at the end of August. Then, at the beginning of September, I'm going to fly to Italy to meet Christian in Sicily (where he'll be for work for a month) for about two weeks and then we'll fly to Austria to see his grandparents for about a week and then drive to Germany to see the rest of his family for another week. I'll basically be in Europe for about a month. I'm soooo excited about that and can't WAIT to see Italy and Sicily! Plus, I have to get a little bit of knowledge about Italy because Christian is sending me and my mom over there for mom's 55th b-day! Less than five years mom!!!! Someone better agree to babysit any kids we have by that time! haha

OK, well, I've wasted enough time online today so I better go get busy around the house! I love you guys!



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