Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Any advice to help me out of a crappy mood??  UGH I can't shake it and it's starting to annoy ME, plus my husband!  To help myself out, I went to the mall... and got some new face cream (always makes me feel better), new candles and some perfume.  Then, bought some new music off of iTunes (Christina Aguilera's new album is AMAZING--- like a new-age Madonna of sorts... pretty mature music). I don't think Christian will allow me to justify those purchases because of my bad mood but sometimes a girl just needs some retail therapy, right??

Well, I'm 25 now. Maybe that's why I'm in a bad mood.... hmmm.  Let's hope not!  This past weekend was pretty low-key as far as a birthday weekend goes.  But, that's totally fine by me since we celebrated the weekend before with our trip to the Poconos.  This weekend, we went to a cook-out Friday night with some people I've met up here (we also went to dinner with them Thursday night).  Her name is Mandy and her boyfriend is Dan.  They seem pretty cool and we've had fun hanging with them so far!  I think I'm going to go to dinner with her and one of her friends tonight too.  Saturday, we went to a going-away party for a guy in Christian's squadron so I got to meet a couple of those folks.  I really liked one of the wives.... they just got married and they live down in the city.  She's pretty interesting so we exchanged numbers and will meet up for lunch or something soon.  Then Sunday, it was rainy but Christian and I drove up to New Hope and had lunch and walked around.  We had the most AMAZING red velvet cake in the world at this place called Mother's.  Christian "went to get a dessert menu" but actually sneakily told the waitress it was my birthday so she brought the cake with a candle.  :)  He's great.

I have to tell you though, this whole meeting friends thing isn't as easy as I had anticipated.  It's actually VERY tough!  I REALLY want to make good friends!  It's like being back in the dating world... so awkward.  I think I might be a smidge too judgmental about this crap.  Oh well, Mandy's great and another girl, Ashley, who I met from Junior League is pretty cool too.  So, that's two potentials.  I'm sure once JL kicks off at the end of Summer, I'll meet a lot of great girls.

I finished that book "The Happiness Project".  It was so good!  It really has the potential to be life-changing!  Now, I'm on to my new book "Lone Survivor".  But, before I just forget about the Happiness Project, I think I'm going to put some effort into some resolutions (much of what this book is about).  Not sure what those resolutions are yet but I do know that I want to take some kind of class (art, german, etc).... and I want it to be in the city.  So, first thing's first, I need to do some research.... I'll keep you posted on that.  

Christian and I are going to MD this weekend to see the family.  Father's Day weekend and all that jazz.  Then, he leaves for Bahrain next week for seven days.  While he's gone, I think I'm going to go to D.C. for a day or two to hang out with some friends that will be in town (Christina and her husband are going to be there to celebrate his bday).  

OK, I'm not very proud of this post... seems a little lack-luster to me but I'll blame it on the mood.  ;-)  Hope all of you are having a great week so far!  



1 comment:

  1. Chrissi - To finally answer your comment, I am getting my degree through Liberty University Online. Check out their website.. they have a great program with excellent military benefits.

    Good luck with meeting new friends! It's always a fun time.. My advice: just be bold and make the efforts to get as involved as you can. Sounds like you're on the right track. It will pay off in the end when you have an amazing support system. The JL will be great for that too! I was going to join at one point, but didn't end up pursuing it. Good luck with all of that. And happy birthday! I really like your blog!
