Thursday, April 29, 2010

Could it be true? Could we really move back down south in a measly three years?? Well, according to Christian, it could be true. There are two C-130 squadrons down there. One in New Orleans and one in Jacksonville. Of course, if any of you know me at all you know my first pick is New Orleans but my husband, like too many other Americans, turned his nose up at that idea. So, our next choice is Jacksonville!!! We talked about it yesterday and he said if he could extend here a little over three years (almost four years) he could probably get Jacksonville pretty easily and retire there! Tears came to my eyes when he told me this. I really like Jax and I would really love to be a short drive (yet, a crappy drive) away from home!!!

Of course, I can't get my hopes up. I got my hopes up to stay in the south last time and now look where I am? The armpit of the Northeast! haha No, it's pretty cool up here and I know I'll end up liking it once we meet people. Speaking of meeting people... thanks to Ash for the recommendation, I've been using to find groups of people that I think are pretty cool. There are so many things to choose from up here and they aren't all weirdos like I expected. So, once I (or we) go to the first meet-up, I'll report back. I'm part of three girls groups, one Philly Couples for Culture group, and a travel group that does trips around the area. Christian and I are also joining a kickball or dodgeball league when we both get back in town at the end of May. That should be a blast and a neat way to meet people.

We might be going to New York City this weekend. One of Christian's friends (Eric for those of you who have met him) is in the states on vacation from his security job in Iraq and is going to be NYC for a few days. If we go, we'll go see a broadway show or something. That's pretty exciting! I'll let you know how it is if we go.

That's about all I've got for now. Have a wonderful day and it's almost the weekend for those of you at work!!!

Chrissi :)

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