Sunday, April 18, 2010

Last night was a rough night for me. I feel almost as if this house is haunted. Any night I sleep alone, I have the constant feeling of either someone else being in the house, someone staring at me or the doosey that happened last night, someone leaning over me in bed. Soooo creepy. And, because I had such a stressful night, I woke up with a cold sore.
I went to bed around 11 last night and woke up at about 12:45 a.m., wide awake. Christian texted me about 30 seconds after I woke up and let me know he had landed in California. After that, I couldn't go back to sleep. I would nod off and then have the feeling of someone watching me and wake up and then fall asleep again and one time I felt as if someone was leaning onto the bed on my side (as if Christian was leaning over to kiss me or something). I woke up and nothing was there. I'm sitting at the computer right now and I feel like someone is watching me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but this sucks!!!!

Other than that weirdness, everything else is fine. Christian finally comes home tonight. I can't wait. My trip to Virginia Beach was fun. It was nice to be around friends and have fun with some ladies that we went out with. It's about five hours from here so the drive was a bit long but worth it.

We still don't have cable. I want to punch everyone at Comcast Cable. They are the most incompetent people I've EVER dealt with in my entire life. And it's not just one person that's an idiot, it's every single person I talk to there. We're waiting on them to come fix the cable that runs from the street to our house. It was cut somehow. So, relying on our DVD collection is a little boring. I'm ready for some guilty pleasure reality t.v. and OPRAH! haha

Anyway, I'm heading out for a while. Tired of being in this house! Love all of you! 17 days until I'm home!!!!!!!!!

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