Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rainy day here in PA

Well, our forecast calls for rain the next three days and temps in the 50's. I looked at the forecast for Pensacola today and it's sunny and in the 80's for the next three days. Anyone want to trade places?!?! :)

Nothing really new going on. My allergies are still driving me nuts and nothing seems to help. I'll be fine one minute and sneezing and itching the next. It's so strange. I need to find a doctor up here at some point.

This weekend was pretty low-key for us. No trips to the city but we did take a trip yesterday over to New Jersey to check out a couple towns that we might move to once our lease is up on this place next March. We went to two places, Mt. Holly & Moorestown. Mt. Holly wasn't so nice but Moorestown is absolutely beautiful! It was rated the top place to live in America by Money magazine in 2006. It's just this charming little town with a great tree-lined Mainstreet, some HUGE old homes and nice neighborhoods. Everyone that we walked by was very nice, friendly and actually smiled at you! That's HUGE for me! It would be very convenient for Christian when he moves to the next base b/c it's about 10-15 minutes away. We went to an open house for one gas-light district townhomes and O-M-G were they beautiful! It was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen; dark hardwoods throughout, huge crown molding, amazing kitchen that has LOTs of windows and the top-notch appliances and granite countertops, an ELEVATOR!, and other rediculous stuff. Buuuuuuttt, they were also $800,000. So, that's just a bit out of our price range. :) I think they are prices wayyy high though. The entrance of the little five or six home area is literally right next to a train track and two houses down is a little strip of white trash folks. So, they'll go down in price eventually but never enough for us to afford them. We also still have Haddonfield, NJ as an option (the first town that we came and looked at in January). It's another great, historic town that ranked high on best places to live. Then, last night, we went to this little italian restaurant in Doylestown (the town that I like so much near us). It was sooo yummy and cheap and they gave me free wine b/c they didn't wipe our table off before we sat down!

Then today, since it's raining, we're just having a lazy day. But, I was sitting here at the computer earlier and Christian called me down to the garage and made me learn how to change a tire. I SOOOO didn't want to do it and I bitched just about the whole time but it was hilarious and he laughed at me and I finally got it finished and it wasn't so hard. haha Now, I have to go spend an ungodly amount on groceries for the week! I'll be home in 9 days!!!! yaaaaahooooooo!!!

Love you all very much!!! (Christian says hello too!)


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