Thursday, April 8, 2010

So, I've taken up a couple new sports to occupy my free time. Christian bought me a new set of golf clubs and we played all last weekend in Maryland while visiting his family. After two full days of golf, we then met up with Christian's friend Ron and his girlfriend Ashley (they were at the wedding) and played tennis. I had a blast doing both. So, last night, we picked up two tennis racquets. So, eventually I guess I'll be one of those housewives who wears awesome outfits while playing tennis and golf. One can wish, right?? :)
The job hunt is pretty slow up here. Healthcare communications isn't a hopping industry right now. So, I might try to find a job at a little boutique in one of the cutesy little towns around here. To me, that would be ideal. Especially since my dream is to own a shop of my own one day (one comparable to Objects in Malbis or Pizzaz in Gulf Breeze. If you haven't seen either, they are a must shop on a great sunny day!

I'm looking forward to coming home in May! I'll be there for about 10-12 days and want to eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts, get sand on my feet, smell like Panama Jack sunscreen, hear some live music, and have a drink on the deck at the Fish House! Man, I love Pensacola and I hope none of you ever take it for granted! It's great up here but nothing will ever compare to the downtown & beach areas of Pensacola!

Until then... I'll keep you posted!

Much love...

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