Sunday, May 2, 2010

So I hope by reading the title of this blog, many of you now have the Alicia Keys/Jay-Z song stuck in your head.... I know I do.
As many of you already know, Christian and I went to New York City this weekend and had a blast! We drove to Parsippany, NJ Friday and met one of his friends who is in the states on a vacation from his job (non-military) in Iraq. So, we and Eric and his lady friend took the train into the city Friday at about 6 p.m. Our goal was to see a broadway show and I really wanted to see Wicked (the story about the witches from Wizard of Oz) but it was sold out (except for $300 premium seats) so we got tickets to see Come Fly Away- Frank Sinatra. It was sooooo neat!!! Granted, it's not your typical broadway show with a plot and all but it had all Frank Sinatra music so I was in heaven. The dancers were phenomenal! I'm going to take up dancing to broadway music for my new workout routine! haha So, we saw the play and then walked around the city, hung out and had a few $20 drinks and then hopped the train back into Jersey.
I'm sure all of you have heard about the car bomb in Time Square. We were literally right where that thing was.... only the night before they found it. That is sooo crazy. What is this world coming to? Psychos....

Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast with Eric and then drove a little further North to see one of Christian's Navy buddies, Mike, and his wife and kids. It was my first time meeting them but they are awesome! His parents have a house down at the shore so we're going to take some trips down there this summer. After we visited with them for a while, we drove back down towards our house and stopped at a strawberry festival in Peddler's Village and got some great strawberry ice cream (since we couldn't find strawberry shortcake for Christian) and headed home for the night.

Today was a pretty busy day. Christian left for his three week training trip in Texas. His first flight was canceled but luckily he was able to get on another flight out today. I went to a meet & greet for the Philadelphia Area Junior League today and that was really nice. It was in a BEAUTIFUL area called Chestnut Hill (district of Philadelphia- kind of suburban but still in Philly). We tried to rent a place in Chestnut Hill but it sold before we got out application in... darn! Anyway, today was the first meet & greet for the 2010 recruitment period for JL. There were only about 10 girls there but it was nice to meet some nice people. Seems like I'll have a good time with that. Oh, and you should have seen the dang house it was hosted at. Holy Moly.... it was amazing... old, huge, amazing european style (the lady is from Paris).

Now, I'm back and home and trying to fight turning the AC on but it's hot as hell in here. It was 92 today! .... and Christian said he doesn't like Florida b/c it's too hot.... that's BS I tell ya! :) I have quite a bit to do before I leave to come home Wednesday... including figuring out how I'm going to pack 2 weeks worth of clothes into two carry-on bags since we don't have a suitcase bigger than that. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

I can't wait to see you guys!!!!! SOOOO excited!


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