Monday, September 6, 2010

Soul Mates

I was on my way home from the gym today and Oprah Radio was on in my car (like it always is).  Oprah's Soul Series was playing at that time and Rainn Wilson (plays Dwight Shrute on NBC's The Office) was her guest.  They were discussing a new book he wrote along with three other folks: "SoulPancake".  Since the gym is only two miles from my house, I didn't hear much of the interview but came home and Googled soul pancake.  Apparently, it's its own movement of sorts.  Here's the website for this whole idea:

The book is subtitled "Chew on Life's Big Questions: Spear your mind, unload your questions, figure out what it means to be human.".  It actually doesn't come out until November 2, which I was pretty bummed about since I'm searching for the next great read right now.

So, anyway, I perused the website a little and found some interesting areas.  Many are just questions posted where you can comment with your own answer.  One that caught my eye was "What's your definition of a 'soul mate'?"  Many people posted the typical responses like someone you can be your total self with... someone who is supportive, loving, passionate, and fun without materialistic motives, etc, etc, etc.   Others posted comments stating that they do not believe in soul mates, or souls at all.  But at the top of this page, to get the conversation started, the following video was posted.  Please watch this.

Danny Perasa and his wife, Annie, came to StoryCorps to recount their twenty-seven-year romance.  As they remember their life together from their first date to Danny's final days with terminal cancer,  the remarkable Brooklynites personify the eloquence, grace, and poetry that can be found in the voices of everyday people when we take time to listen.

Danny & Annie from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

I found this video so touching.  And, obviously, it made me miss my own husband.  Now, whether or not I truly believe in soul mates is still out with the jury.  I'm not sure if there is only one soul mate for each person or several soul mates for one person or no soul mates at all and just, as one commenter said, conscious mates.  I'll take a famous line from "Sex & the City".... Carrie asked Big  if he believed in soul mates and his response was, "I like the word soul.  I like the word mate.  Other than that, you got me."  There's my stance!

However, if I was forced to give a definition of what a soul mate means to me it would be this: A soul mate is someone you can share your life with.  By that, I don't mean the days in your life, but rather the life in your life.  The things you like to do, the music you love, the thoughts you have, the insecurities that inhibit you, the work that you do, as Lady Gaga would say "the freak within you".  You share and communicate all of those things and more and your soul mate reciprocates all of those things plus a little love for the things you've shared with him/her.  I think being a soul mate is more than just being in love or being infatuated with someone.  That wears off.  Being in love and having love are two different ideas.  I prefer the latter.

Thus, I think I've found my "soul mate".  Christian is all of those things to me.  I respect him, love him, admire him, and trust him.  Plus, like both my parents told me, "You better hold on to him.  He can handle you and that's a big deal".  Apparently, I'm hard to deal with?!  :)

So anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the little video.  I also hope everyone has had a great Labor Day weekend!  One week from today and I'm leavin' on a jet plane, hopping the pond, and get to see my husband soulmate.  :)

Have a wonderful day!!



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