Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hoping for the next big adventure:

I've been researching schools up here for the potential beginning of my graduate studies.  I've become very interested in Family & Marriage Therapy and lucky for me, one of the universities around here, Jefferson University, is one of the top schools for that kind of program!  So, I'm going to a workshop October 14 to learn a little more about the program and what I need to do to prepare.

I'm pretty excited about it!  I hope it all works out and that it's possible for me to finish my masters in the next 2 1/2 years that we're up here... and to not break the bank.  I'll definitely need to get a job if I end up going back to school.  Christian's already paying my student loans so I don't expect him to shell out another  chunk for school again.  Yes, I know, what's his is mine and what's mine is his but I still feel guilty!

Other than that, nothing exciting has been going on.  I'm getting antsy about the trip!  I'm so ready to leave already!  I have the Junior League kick-off this Saturday down in Philly so that will be fun!  I've already started packing for my trip.  It's a bit difficult to pack for a trip when you're going to be in two or three different climates!  So, about half of my closet is going with me :).

Communication between me and Christian has been kind of spotty the last couple days.  He's been really busy (which is odd haha) and the time differences don't work to our favor sometimes.  Oh well, I'm hoping to hear from him today.

It's actually a little chilly up here today.  It's 68 out right now and the wind is kickin' so I'm a little cold!  It'll probably get pretty cool tonight.  Looks like the low is 55.

Well, I need to go eat lunch now!  Love y'all!



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