Monday, September 27, 2010

Good morning!

Christian and I came down to Salzburg for a little bit to check our emails and other online stuff.  We're still having a great time.  It's pretty cold over here today.  It's been rainy the last two days and it must have been a cold front that came through.  Friday, the four of us (Christian, me and his grandparents) went to another mountain top restaurant.  That day was beyond hilarious.  Christian told me we'd have to park and walk a little ways to the restaurant b/c our rental car didn't have a certain pass that we needed to drive up.  So, his grandparents drove up the mountain and Christian and I were just going to meet them up there.  Well, little did I know, this "little nice walk" we were going on was a friggin' hike from just about the bottom of a mountain to the TOP of the mountain.  It took us over an hour and I was cussing the entire time while Christian just laughed his ass off at me.  He kept saying "I can't wait to tell your mom & dad about this" hahaha.  Needless to say, I did NOT expect to be hiking a mountain so I had just showered, was wearing "designer jeans" (that's what his grandmother calls my jeans) and some little canvas shoes.  By the end, I had my shirt pulled up so the sweat that was drenching my back wouldn't soak my shirt.  But, when it was all said and done, the view at the top of the mountain was worth it.  It was just a funny situation.

Other than that, it's been pretty low-key the past couple days.  Yesterday was actually "thanksgiving" in Faistenau.  Not sure what the exact tradition is but we walked to the center of town and everyone was wearing traditional clothing like we wore to Oktoberfest last year.  It was kind of interesting.

Oh, another thing.... we eat so much bread over here that my TMJ has started acting up and my jaws are killing me.  So, that sucks.  I also forgot to tell you guys that the morning of the day we flew out of Sicily, I ended up in the ER on base because of a UTI.  Thank God it happened while we were on base b/c I don't know what I would have done if it happened while we were in Austria or Germany!!!

We leave Thursday to go to Frankfurt, Germany.  There's a lot to do there and I'm excited to see the rest of Christian's family.

That's about all the news I have for now!  I hope everyone has a great week!  Love y'all!



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