Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Table for one, por favor.

I haven't really been eating all that well since Christian has been gone.  I don't mean I've been sitting around stuffing my face with chips, cookies and brownies.  Nope, I forget to eat.  Yes, yes, I know... many of you are probably wishing you had this same problem.  Sorry.

I'm actually hungry most of the time but then I think about all the hassle I have to go through to make a decent meal and tell myself, "ok, i'll eat in 10 minutes... after this show is over"  haha.  But, 2 hours later, I still haven't stopped my day to make myself a satisfying meal.  Granted, this happens mostly at dinner.  I can get by with a bowl of cereal for breakfast along with yogurt and a banana or something and maybe a sandwich and cheese and crackers for lunch but dinner is sooooo grueling!

So, today I had a flashback of living alone in my 700 square foot apartment(s) and my pitiful trips to the grocery store.  Back then, I didn't have the money to buy all of the healthy stuff so I would grab the standard... mac & cheese, dinner in a bag, dinner in a box, etc.  I rarely ventured into the uncooked meat area (chicken, pork chops, etc) nor the fresh veggies because I knew I would never cook them and they would just rot in that drawer at the bottom of my fridge.  Those days are long gone, thank God.  When Christian is home, we eat really well and I love to cook for both of us.  But when it comes to just me, it's BORING (not to mention a waste of food)!  So, I slightly reverted back to my old ways today.

I went to Trader Joe's (kind of like Whole Foods but won't actually break the bank like Whole Foods does).  Trader Joe's is all organic so I thought I was doing the right thing by going there rather than some normal ol' grocery store to pick up easy-to-cook things (i.e. pop right in the oven for 15 minutes and voila! there's dinner!).  So, I saw what I thought was a box of frozen chicken nuggets.  I also got some fresh fruit, mini veggie pizzas, fresh cheese, and some kind of cucumber wontons (that will be interesting).

Tonight, I took the box of chicken nuggets out of the freezer and placed eight of them onto a baking sheet while my mac & cheese was cooking on the stove.  Well, right at that moment I realized that the box didn't actually say "chicken nuggets", it said "chickenless nuggets".  Yep, that's right folks, they were made of soy.  UGHHHH  I cooked them anyway and ate five of them and about a fourth of the box of macaroni and there was dinner.  They weren't entirely awful but I wouldn't try anymore chickenless products, that's for sure!

I'm so great at cooking for two!  Like I've said in past posts, I like to refer to myself as Chef Chrissi!  I think it has a lot to do with cooking for someone else and having them really love what I've made.  I really could care less, but I love the fact that Christian thinks I'm a good cook.

So, even though my house is slightly bigger than my first apartment and I'm no longer forced to buy the store brand of EVERYTHING, I definitely feel like I'm back to my old single days.  Hopefully the thirty pounds I've lost since then doesn't creep back in the next two weeks while I'm still cooking for one.

Bon appetit, my friends!



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