Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hello everyone!  We finally found internet here in Austria in downtown Salzburg.... at a McDonalds! haha Apparently Europeans are very stingy with their internet b/c there are about five different wireless signals near Christian's grandparents' place but they're all locked.  Oh well.

We're having a great time!  We flew into Munich, Germany Monday and drove about two hours from Munich to Faistenau, Austria to his grandparents' vacation home.  It has been great to see them... even though I can barely understand them.  My german is getting a little better day by day.  I'm understanding about 1/2 of the conversations.... I'm just too timid to actually speak haha.

I've posted two pictures below.  The first one is us at the top of Taormina in Sicily and the second is in the mountains in Austria!  Our days have been filled with mostly eating and walking.  Faistenau is a tiny little village in the mountains that has a little town square and it's about 20 minutes from Salzburg, which is one of the larger cities in Austria and a major tourist trap.  Tuesday, his grandparents took us to a little restaurant on top of a mountain where you can sit outside (this is where the second pic below was taken) and take in the scenery and drink beer (which me and his grandfather did) haha.  Wednesday, we came to Salzburg and did some touristy stuff like go on a tour of a the big castle here and walked around all the shopping areas.  This morning we walked a mountain trail for about two hours, ate lunch and now we're back in Salzburg.  We just went to see the Mirabell Gardens and it was beautiful.  I think we're taking a trip to one of those spa places tomorrow!  I'm excited!!!

Anyway, I love all of you!  I hope everyone is doing well and that the weather is cooling down for everyone!

xoxo, Chrissi

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