Monday, August 30, 2010

Restoring Honor Rally

As you know, I ventured down to our nation's capital this weekend to attend Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial.  The group I went with was seven 1/2 strong (seven adults and one baby).  We stayed at a beautiful hotel, ate good food and sweated our rear ends off at the Rally.

DC was packed.  Two of the guys that were with us got up at about 4 a.m. Saturday morning to go stake out a place in the crowd for the whole group.  Then, Kimberly and I walked down at about 6 a.m. Saturday to take a look at the happenings before we headed back to shower and gather the rest of the crew.  DC is a beautiful city and I always feel so American when I'm there.

The Rally was good.  It wasn't really what I was expecting or had hoped for but it was good, none the less.  Frankly, the main reason I went to the Rally in the first place was because I heard Marcus Luttrell was going to be speaking.  He's the Navy Seal who wrote the amazing book "Lone Survivor".  Well, Sarah Palin introduced him, along with other vets, but he did not speak.  I was pretty bummed.  The beginning of the Rally was good.  There was a mother of a special warfare officer (I hope I'm getting that terminology right) who spoke about losing her son in the war and what an organization, SWOF (Special Operations Warrior Foundation, has done for her family as well as all of the other families affected by losing their sons.  She made me cry.  I hate hearing of anyone dying over there but especially those who know their life purpose is to be a Navy Seal, Army Ranger, or a member of any other special operations forces.  Her story was just so touching.  Then, Sarah Palin came out and she was pretty good.  She honored our troops and mentioned the military more than just about anyone up there.  Unfortunately, I wasn't familiar with anyone else who was on the stage.  There were several religious folks, recipients of awards, and of course, Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck's main message was for America to get back to God.  It actually felt like I was attending a church service at some points, which was a little weird for me since that wasn't exactly what I was expecting.  Here is the actual event description from Glenn Beck's website:

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

So, as vague as this description is, I'm hoping you can understand why I really didn't expect that it would get all church-like (as Jerry Seinfield would say, "not that there's anything wrong with that").  

I will tell you, I was definitely expecting a little more political speak than what was delivered.  There actually wasn't an ounce of politics associated with anything any of the speakers had to say.  So, that was nice.  It was nice because I am just about the least political person I know.  I really could care less about politics and I think it's stupid that our country is so divided.  It's funny because I logged onto my MySpace account the other day for the first time in FOREVER and looked at the description of myself that I wrote and I actually put this on there: "I think political debates make for some of the best t.v. ever".  Um, I almost threw up in my mouth.  It's amazing how much I've changed in the last four or five years (thank God).  haha  I've read some things online about the Rally and I just get so annoyed with everyone's opinions (most are uneducated opinions from people who were not in attendance).  It was also nice that the crowd was so controlled.  No obnoxious signs, vulgar language or crazy folks were displayed.  I watched people making sure their trash was picked up and I didn't see a single protestor, like I had expected (obviously my expectations were way off).  

But, I had a great time with a great group of people!  And, it helped pass some time and now I only have two weeks until I get to leave to see my man!  I wish I was leaving today and not two Mondays from now but oh well.  

I don't really have too many plans for this week.  I'm looking for a new form of relaxation so my friend, Vicki, recommended acupuncture.  She goes quite often so I might try it as well.  Who knows.  One big thing coming up is COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!  This Saturday is the first Saturday full of it so you better believe I'll be propped up watching some pigskin!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  Love y'all!



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