Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy Hump Day!  
Well, it hasn't even been a week since Christian has been gone and I'm already doing better.  The past few days have been hard.  I've been emotional, lonely, and bored.  The weather has been gloomy too.  Great temps (in the 60s & 70s) but still just grey and gloomy outside!  BUT, I'm doing better today.  I'm going down to Philly tonight to have sushi w/ two of my girlfriends so I'm pretty excited to get out of the house and socialize!  
I'm also getting pretty excited about my trip to DC for the Restoring Honor Rally this weekend (  I'm leaving around noon Friday to drive to Baltimore to meet up with Kim & her b/f Zach (awesome couple and hilarious people) and then the three of us will drive into DC.  The three of us have a room and then Meg, her mom, sister and husband Scott (Christian's friend) and their baby Jack will be there for the events with us!  It will be a good time.  Good people, fun city and interesting, historic events... oh, and great weather to boot.  What more could you ask for in a weekend?  (ok, yes, I'd also ask for my husband but that's unrealistic so I won't even go there)
I was able to Skype w/ Christian this morning and he's doing well.  He's a little bored but he starts flying Friday so that will put a little pep in his step.  He flied to Djibouti (in Africa) this weekend for a mission.  He's excited about going there.  I think they get to stay a night or two down there so that should be an interesting trip.  Only 19 more days until I leave to go see him!  I can't wait!  We are most likely going to fly into Munich from Sicily and then either take a train or rent a car and drive two hours to Salzburg, Austria where his grandparents are.  So, while we were talking this morning, we started looking up transportation options.  So, he looked up the prices for rental cars and you know how over here in the states, the smallest rental car is usually the "economy" car?  Well, apparently, Europe has one even small than that, called "mini".  So, I told him we HAVE to do that, just for the laughs.  If any of you have seen the movie "Just Married", you know what I'm talking about and why it would be so hilarious!  For this reason alone, I'm hoping we can rent a car. haha It's all kind of contingent on us finding a GPS with European maps.  I know we can find one it's just whether or not we want to spend an extra $100 just for the maps.  I'll definitely let y'all know the outcome of this.  ;-)
I read a new book yesterday (yes, I finished an entire book in one day).  It was recommended to me by Jenna and it was a really good, well written book that was, for lack of a better word, depressing!  I could NOT put it down and as I we nearing the end, I knew that I didn't want to spend another day worrying about this dang depressing book!  It's called "Heart of the Matter" and is written by Emily Griffin.  She's the same person who wrote the books "Something Borrowed", "Baby Proof", etc.  Well, essentially, it was about a trauma plastic surgeon who is married to a seemingly perfect stay at mom wife/mom in their perfect suburb of Boston.  Well, he eventually cheats on her with one of his patients' mothers.  Ugh, I HATED him.  I don't know if it's now because I'm married and value my marriage so much or what but I literally wanted to punch him (and the mistress) in the face!  So, I don't think I'll be reading anymore books about adultery.  haha  I told Christian about it and he thinks I'm a loon b/c I get so entwined with these books and I can't help it!  
I also started a yoga class yesterday.  It's one they offer at the gym I go to and it's a great way to start the day (even if you're going to just sink into a mild depression while reading a book afterwards... hahaha).  I'm trying to mix up my workouts a little more.  I'm so bored with what I've been doing for the last six months.  So, I'll be taking advantage of more of the classes.
Well, I better go clean the house.  I've let is slide since Christian left and it's starting to bother me!  haha  Hope everyone is getting through the week ok!  Have a fabulous afternoon!!

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