Monday, August 16, 2010

Home Sweet Home <3

Hello everyone!  I come to you from Pennsylvania after a GREAT trip home to Florida!  It was pretty much perfect!  I got to see everyone I wanted to see, spent time with my amazing friends and family and even snuck a little trip to New Orleans in there!  Needless to say, I had an amazing trip!

I got to Pensacola just in time for lunch with two aunts and three cousins at Cactus Flower!  Lunch was great and it was so nice to see the lovely ladies of my family.  We then went to the new "gourmet" cupcake shop that has opened in Pensacola called Oh Snap!  Unfortunately, none of us were impressed.  They were expensive and not very tasty!  Plus, the shop needs a little makeover.  But, who am I to judge?  I just won't go back...  ;-).  After our cupcake trip, Ali & I visited Grannie & PawPaw for a while.  It was great to see them and hear random stories that I love hearing (they were married at 17 and have known each other their entire lives, what PawPaw did for work before joining the Navy and how their parents were so strict).  I love it!  That evening I got to see my momma!  I'm so blessed to have such an amazing mom.  She's one of my best friends and really "gets" me.  I guess that's what moms are for, huh?  Adam came over for dinner so that was awesome.  I miss my brother and how much he picks on me!  And, I assure you, he did not slack on the pickin' this trip.  Gotta love it.  haha  Thursday I spent the day w/ my dad!  We kept our little day trip/shopping outing tradition alive and well!  We went to Destin for a little shopping and lunch at my favorite restaurant in the world- The Red Bar in Grayton Beach.  Here's a pic of us at lunch!  We had a great time.  :)

Thursday night I spent the evening with my friend Jenna.  We just chatted, ate pizza and laughed!  I was GREAT to catch up.  We haven't talked in a while so it was really nice!  Friday was my day to run errands (I refuse to have my rings cleaned by anyone other than Jewelers Trade Shop in P'cola... they just look aaaamazing after they clean them) and see some folks I used to work with.  Adam and I had lunch at Jerry's Drive in.  Man, I miss fried fish!  It was so good!  Then, Friday night I threw a little surprise dinner party for Alison's 25th birthday!  We ate at McGuire's and she was really surprised!  It was so much fun!  I'm so blessed that she's been my best friend for 23 years!!!!  That is NUTS to think about but it's true!  Here's a pic from that!  

Saturday, Alison, Laura and I ventured over to New Orleans for the night!  It took us about 4 1/2 hours to get there because we decided to stop for lunch at Mellow Mushroom somewhere in Mississippi but we eventually got there and had a blast!!!  We stayed in a beautiful hotel called the La Pavillon.  It was very old-world and victorian, which I love.  We spent the afternoon in the French Quarter.  That day was the "Red Dress Run" so almost everyone on Bourbon was wearing a red dress (even the guys) and tennis shoes!  It was great!  We spent most of the afternoon in the gay district of Bourbon because that's always a blast and a site to see... then, that night we went to a little tapas bar called MiMi's in some residential area of the Quarter.  It was pretty good!  We went back out on Bourbon after dinner and danced and people-watched and just had such a good time!  Laura and I had the amazing Bourbon Street pizza on the way back to the hotel that night but then we all ordered a fruit and cheese tray from room service and stayed up laughing and talking until about 2 a.m.  It was a really good time with really good friends who I can talk to about anything!  I love them so much.  Sunday we got up and tried to go to Cafe Du Monde but it was hot as hades and the line was super long so we went to Community Coffee and then headed back home around noon.

Well, then Sunday was my last full day so I spent some remaining time w/ Mom and then headed to Grandma Anna's to see her then off to dinner w/ Dad & Rhonda @ Grand Marlin on the beach.  Then, dad took me to Krispy Kreme!!!  Ahhh, it was sooooo good!  I had three glazed doughnuts on the way home and one this morning.  haha I can't help myself!  I REALLY wish we had one up here!

Also, before I went to bed last night, I had a chat with my cousin, Ali.  She and Ben are expecting their first baby!!!!!  I'm soooo excited for her!  She's going to be such an amazing mother.  It's so funny because she and I were talking about babies and how Christian and I are waiting for that blessing to come and I asked her when she and Ben were going to start trying and she told me in TWO YEARs!!!  hahaha  She's an excellent liar because she's known for a while now!!  So exciting!  She and I are only four months apart so wouldn't it be neat if we had babies around the same time too?  :)

Today was my trip home and it wasn't so bad.  As much as I hate flying, today wasn't awful because I was actually able to sleep on the plane!  I NEVER sleep on planes.  I kept waking up and realizing my mouth was wide open.... ridiculous, I know.  haha  Oh well.  Obviously I made it home safely!  The weather up here is a bit more pleasant than the awful Florida humidity!  I think the high this Wednesday is in the upper 70s!  I am definitely looking forward to that!!

Christian is gone for work right now but he'll be back Wednesday night.  Then, he leaves Saturday his trip to Sicily and I won't see him until I go to Sicily on September 13.  I can't wait!  I'm sooo excited about that trip!  By the time we get back from Europe (Sicily, Austria & Germany), it'll be October and Fall will have arrived!  This year is flying by.

So, anyway, I'm so happy to have seen everyone!!!  I love y'all.  Next time I'm in Florida, it will be Thanksgiving!  Crazy!

Have an awesome week!!



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