Thursday, August 26, 2010


People have been surprising me lately... in a good way.  It's pretty refreshing.  To just kick this post off I'll talk about the most broad topic that I will bring up here today.  When Christian and I moved up here, being from the south, I had a preconceived notion that "north easterners" would be, pardon my french, assholes.  I figured there would be no hospitality, no smiling, no waving, no nothin'.  But, I will admit, from what I've experienced, that is a full-on myth.  Thank God.  I will also admit that initially, I did think there was a difference.  I would pick things out that I normally would never notice and come home upset that people up here suck.  But, to the contrary, people are actually very much the same in terms of public politeness.  People hold doors open, smile, wave, etc.  So, needless to say, uh, all that negative thinking was all in my head.  That brings me to another point- you bring on your own happiness and you control the nature of your world.  

So, needless to say, my opinion of this new geographic home of mine has changed.  Everyone that I meet up here is pretty nice.  Are they a different kind of nice?  I think so.  I think the people I've met up here are actually more genuine once you get to know them than that what I'm used to in the south.  From what I've encountered so far and the few friends I've met, they're going to tell you how it is.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.  It's, like I said, refreshing.  Do I have friends in Pensacola like that?  Yes, absolutely.  But it's not the norm.  Plus, I may just be overanalyzing the differences and taking this way out of hand.  Whatever.  This is my blog and I can write what I want to write.  ;-)

So, last night, I went to dinner with two of my girlfriends that I've met up here.  I met both of them through Junior League events.  Ashley lives down in Philly and has been in JL for several years.  Vicki lives kind of near me and is a new member of JL, like I am.  I was at a benefit for JL back in May down in Philly with Ashley and she introduced me to Vicki.  They are both great.  Initially, Ashley and I had planned on dinner last night but I ended up inviting Vicki after a lay-off at her company all of a sudden cleared her calendar.  :(  We stopped at a wine bar before dinner and had a glass of wine and then had sushi for dinner.  We also had great conversation!  About life, relationships, aspirations, insecurities, worries, etc.  It's so nice to have nice conversation with girls you "click" with.  It's been a while!  I still miss my friends at home dearly.  But, talking on the phone just isn't the same as sitting together enjoying a good meal and good wine!  I had a great time.  I was surprised by how easy it was.  As I've mentioned in previous posts, making new friends at the age of 25 isn't the easiest thing in the world.  Not to mention the fact that I've never really had to actively try to find friends.  And, like I've said, it's super duper awkward at times!  But, thank God, I think Ashley and Vicki could become really good friends!  We even talked fleetingly about taking trips up to NYC together this fall.  So, I'm looking forward to meeting more people like them when Junior League kicks off in two weeks!  

My neighbor, Pete (retired marine, from Brooklyn, approx. mid-sixties in age, has adorable golden retriever, Lady that he LOVES), called me this afternoon and asked me to come see Lady.  He had just brought her home from the hospital.  She had to have surgery to have fatty things removed from her back and the top of her head.  She was soooo disoriented from having the anesthesia!  He wanted her to see someone familiar (other than him) so she would maybe know what the heck was going on.  She was just loopy!  haha  So anyway, he asked how I was doing since Christian's been gone and whether I'd had the chance to talk to him since he left.  I told him that I get to talk to him about once a day and that we're both just bored.  haha  Then I told him I was going to DC this weekend for that rally and he said I had to take pictures for him to send to his "liberal ass friends" <-- his words, not mine haha.  So, I'm taking my nice camera that mom got me and hopefully I'll get some good shots!  Pete is great.  His wife, Anne,  is too.  She's even baked brownies for me when Christian's been gone before!  They take good care of me and are always there if I need something, which is vey comforting.  I'm not usually the type that likes to be all buddy-buddy w/ my neighbors but it's nice to know someone's there when you need them. 

As the days go by, since Christian left, I'm gradually getting in a better and better mood.  Phew, I tell ya, it was rough for a couple days.  I was an emotional retard and it didn't help that it's my "lady time", if you know what I mean.  Which, in itself does not make me happy because I was REALLY hoping for it NOT to make it's unwelcomed visit, if you know what I mean.  :(  Oh well, another month down.... and it means I can have that glass of wine I'll be craving while in Italy (I guess I'll use that as my silver lining haha).  :)

But, I bought some new music which always pumps me up a bit.  I got the new Neon Trees album and I love it.  It's happy music.  :)  

So, now I'm going to start packing for my trip.  I'm leaving tomorrow around lunch time!  I probably won't make another post until I get back Sunday.  I hope everyone has had an awesome week!  



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