Sunday, October 24, 2010

The weekend comes to an end....

I hope all of you had a great weekend!  Here comes Monday...  boo, right?  Well, to me, it doesn't make a difference anymore which day it is but I know how Mondays can suck, big time.

I've had a pretty great weekend.  Friday night, I went out w/ about eight girls from my Junior League group  for dinner and drinks and then stayed a little longer w/ two of them for another beer and good conversation.    We had a good time.  There are some great girls in my group and I could see myself becoming friends with just about every one of them!  I'm already pretty good friends w/ Vicki.  She and I met back in May at a benefit for Junior League and clicked and we've been hanging out ever since.  She and I have a blast together.  Saturday, about 70 of us Junior League-ers helped clean an area of Fairmount Park in Philly called Rittenhouse Town.  It was a beautiful area and we just helped clean out all the exotic plants and vines that are taking over the indigenous trees and plans of the area.  It's amazing how much work we did!  We had a blast doing it too, though.  We had AMAZING weather yesterday.  Good weather, plus good work, plus good girlfriends= great day!  Last night I was so tired from staying out Friday night and working all day Saturday so I just chilled and was in bed by about 10:00.  AND, I slept until about 9:30 today... which I NEVER do!  If I wake up past 7:30 anymore it's a miracle.  Today, I went to Peace Valley Park and did a 5k on a trail through the park.  That was nice and the weather was great today too.  After the park, I picked up some pumpkins and spent the afternoon carving those on the back porch.  Here's pictures of both of them!

So, my weekend was pretty good.  But, I really wish Christian was home today like he was supposed to be!  So, since he's not home yet, I took myself out on a date to a sushi bar tonight and had sushi and wine at the bar.  Not a bad way to end the weekend, I suppose.  

The crew finally got Christian's plane fixed so he should be home Thursday.  Thank God!  I'm sooooo ready for him to be home!  I was thinking earlier today, he and I haven't really gone on a date since the night before he left for Sicily back in August!!!  Yes, we were in Europe for three weeks in September but we never had a nice dinner out by ourselves... we were always with friends or family over there!  So, I'm craving date night w/ my husband!  

Mom & Adam come Friday!!!!  I'm soooo excited to have them up!  There so much to do up here so I'm trying to narrow down our plans so we don't run ourselves ragged!  I know we'll do a day in Philly checking out all the history and fun places but I also thought about spending a day in NYC.  It's only 1 1/2 hours away so I think I'll make that a tentative plan and see how we all feel about it.  There's a really neat haunted house that the Eastern State Penitentiary is putting on down in Philly.  It's an old historic prison that they make into a haunted house every year.  I'm going to get tickets to that this week!  That should be awesome!  Also, my friend Vicki and her friend Iris told me about the Italian market in South Philly that is awesome.  So, I need to do a little more research about that.  Iris said that's where you can see some of the mobsters telling the shop owners to "put it on my tab".  haha!  I think that would be great!  

Like I said, there's soooo much to do!  I love it up here.  It's crazy b/c I thought I would really hate it.  But it's been great.  I've met some amazing people and the amount of culture you can find here is endless.  I think I'll actually be kind of bummed when we have to move in 2 1/2 years.  

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!  I love y'all!



1 comment:

  1. Agreed - great weekend! I'm so happy we got to meet and become friends :) I'll be sad when you move away too... Have a good week! ~vicki
