Monday, October 11, 2010

Finally back home... for three days, at least.

I think I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to traveling.  We got back home LATE last Wednesday night from Germany...Landed in Baltimore and drove two hours home to Philly.  Arrived home around 2:30 a.m. Thursday morning and went to bed.  Christian and I both woke up at about 6 a.m. Thursday b/c of the time difference still messing with us.  So, he went into work for a little bit and I unpacked and packed again since we left at about noon on Thursday to spend the weekend at Christian's dad's house in Maryland.  We finally got back home today and Christian and I are both leaving Friday for different trips.  Christian's going to Guam for eight days and I'm probably going up to New Hampshire for the weekend.  This weekend is the party that we've been going to the past couple years in Meredith, NH.  It's Christian's friend, Scott's wife's (Megan) parent's lake house.  They have a huge clam bake every October and it's so much fun.  So, Scott's on an IA in Africa and Christian will be in Guam so I'm going to spend the weekend w/ Megan and her family.  It should be a good time!  I love New Hampshire and this family... they're great people and they know how to throw a party!  The drive up will take about 6 1/2 hours but I'm sure it will be absolutely gorgeous with the leaves changing!!  I'm hoping to drive up to Freeport, Maine one of the days I'm up there too so I can go to the L.L. Bean Factory Outlet.

Once I get back, there will be less than two weeks until my momma & brother come up to visit!!!  I'm soooo excited to have them come up!  Hopefully the weather will be really nice and we'll find some neat things to get into.  There's a Flyers vs Penguins hockey game here in Philly the night they get into town so I'm going to try and get tickets to that.  Hopefully I can get them!

I'm also sooo excited to be coming home for a whole month over the holidays!  Christian's getting pretty excited to go back to Florida too.  He hasn't been back since we moved!  We can't wait to see all the family and friends!

How's the weather down in Florida?  It's been great up here since we got back.  It's supposed to rain a little tomorrow and be pretty cool this weekend w/ highs in the low 60s here in Philly but even cooler in New Hampshire!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great week so far!  I love y'all!



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