Thursday, October 7, 2010


Yayyyy!  I'm so happy to be home!  We got on an earlier flight than we expected and arrived in Baltimore last night at about 11 p.m.  Then, we had to drive home so after getting our bags, getting the rental car, etc, we actually didn't get home until right after 2 a.m.

It was so nice to lay in our big comfy bed!  But, neither of us were tired because of the huge time difference so we both woke up at about 6 a.m. today and started getting everything back in order here at home.

So, now, Christian wants to go to his dad's house this weekend so I think we might leave this afternoon or tomorrow for a weekend in the mountains.... never a dull moment, huh??  haha  It's actually not all that much of a pain for me.  For some reason, this house still doesn't feel like a "home" and I don't really get homesick.  The things I miss when I'm not at home are my cooking and being able to watch t.v. and not worry about having to wear a bra the second I wake up in the morning.  Haha!!!  It's the little things in life....

So, I'm off to the grocery store and I don't know if I've ever been so excited to go grocery shopping!  I miss American food!  :)

I'll be posting more elaborate stuff about our trip in the coming days....

Hope everyone has a great day!!!


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