Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello all and Happy Hump Day!

I hope everyone has had a great first half of their week.  Christian's still gone and we don't know when he's going to make it back home.  His plane is broken and he's stuck in Hawaii (rough life, right?).  In all actuality, he's not hangin' loose on the beach or anything, he's up with the plane just about all day every day so I don't really envy him.  I just wish they could get it fixed so he can finish his trip and come home!  I did some calculations the other day and found that he's been gone 47% of the time since we moved up here.  Yes, it sucks but I know it could be way worse so I'm not complaining.

In other exciting news, I locked myself out of my house yesterday morning.  That was rather exciting.  haha  I left at about 8 a.m. to go to the grocery store b/c we were out of milk and I eat oatmeal just about every morning.  So, I get up to the grocery store and realize I don't have my wallet.  So, I drive back home only to find out that my garage door opener is not working.  The battery was dead.  Annnddd, to make matters worse, I don't have a house key.  Our one and only house key was in Christian's truck up at base and his truck key was, of course, inside the house.  So, not only did I not have his truck key to go up to base to get the house key, I also didn't have my wallet that had my military i.d. that I would have needed to get on base.  Also, because I didn't have my wallet, I couldn't simply run up to Lowes or Home Depot to get a new battery.  ugh....  But, luckily my wonderful neighbor, Pete, was home and he miraculously had an extra teeny tiny battery for the garage door opener and I was able to get inside.  haha  Great start to the day, right?

I have a somewhat busy weekend planned, which is nice.  Friday night, my Junior League group is getting together for happy hour and then Saturday we have a "work day" down in Fairmont Park where we'll be cleaning up the park and stuff.  I'll get to see a lot of the great girls I've met so I'm excited for some socialization.  It gets a little boring around here when Christian's gone and my socialization comes from my blog, Facebook and the t.v.  haha

One thing I've heard lately on the radio shows I listen to is a discussion regarding this LA Times article about religious views of 20-somethings.  VeRy interesting and I can empathize with a lot of the views of those 20-somethings mentioned in this article.  It's not too long... here's the link to it if you're intrigued:,0,6283320.story

Hope everyone has a great afternoon!


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