Friday, February 25, 2011

As February comes to a close....

Hey y'all!

Since one of my 2011 Bucket List items was to blog once every week, I guess it's that time again to update everyone on what has been going on in our life.

As you saw from my last post, Christian and I celebrated our first anniversary last Sunday and it was a great day!  We had breakfast at home, went to the gym together (which we rarely get to do) and then we decided to venture out to the Jersey shore.  We went to Seaside Heights, NJ which is about an hour from us and it's also the place that the horribly awful show, Jersey Shore, was filmed.  It was interesting, for sure!  It's actually not as ugly as I expected or as everyone up here made it out to be (since they know I'm from Florida).  Here are a couple pictures of our day out there.

This is one part of the Boardwalk.  During the
summertime, I'm sure this place is PACKED!

Christian playing pinball.  He's ridiculously good.

A ridiculous outfit that was actually for sale.....
God help the poor soul who buys such clothing.  EWWW.

So, we had a good time.  As you can see from the picture where Christian's playing pinball, we stopped into an arcade and played a few games of pinball and air hockey.  It was so much fun!

On the way back from the beach (or should I say "shore"), we stopped at a couple antique stores and I found a medium-sized bread bowl for $8.50 and Christian got a miniature cast iron stove and all it's little parts.  He saw one when we were in New Hampshire and loved it but it was over $100 so we found this one for about $40!  This place was really cheap!

That night, we went to a place called The Little Tuna in Haddonfield, NJ.  When we came up here last January to look for houses, this was the place for our first "date" in the northeast.  So, we decided to go back.  :)

Needless to say, we had a fun little anniversary day!  And, to make it even better, we're leaving Monday for our anniversary cruise to the Bahamas!  I can't wait!!!  I'm so ready for some warm weather and this white girls needs a tan, BAD!

Speaking of traveling, the flights and hotel are booked for mine & mom's trip to ROME!!!  I'm soooo excited!  Actually, I just realized, we leave a month from tomorrow!  Woooo hooo!  We're going to have so much fun, so much food and so much good wine!  What an experience this will be.

Christian leaves March 12th for about 40 days which totally sucks but I'll be keeping myself plenty busy w/ the trip to Rome and then going home to Florida in April.

The weather up here has been really wishy-washy all week.  It's freezing one day, raining the next, snowing the next and then 65 degrees one day.  I'm so ready for Spring!  I can't wait to put flowers out on the porch, open the windows and grill out!

In other news, we finally went to a doctor Thursday to talk about us not getting pregnant.  We've been actively trying for right at a year but the doctor brought up the fact that we've been together three years w/ no major contraceptive (TMI, I know- sorry haha) and never got pregnant.  That was a little shocking to me just b/c I had never really looked at it that way.  So, we're now on the road to testing.  All of that starts the week we get back from the Bahamas.  Hopefully we'll know something sooner rather than later!  So, keep us in your thoughts/prayers on that note.

Other than all of that, I'm about to get ready for a girls night over at Shannon's house (she's the wife of another pilot in Christian's squadron).  Hopefully we'll have some fun!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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