Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life is short...

I really had all intentions of writing a great post today.  However, I received some sad news.  An old friend that I grew up right down the street from left this world this morning.  Nicole Langlois was found this morning by her dad.  I haven't hung out with Nicole in years but I know she was a person that was full of life.  I spoke with her a few months ago and she told me she was living back in Pensacola after living in California for a while.

I went to my first "big kid" party at Nicole's house and her house was the first place I played spin-the-bottle.  I remember jumping on the trampoline in her back yard and being envious of her tumbling abilities!  I remember her dad and brother.  They were always so nice.  I remember walking down to her house in middle school and then her and her friends driving past my house in high school honking their horns.  I remember Nicole and her friends always having my back when there was drama in high school.  She was a really neat person.... such a free spirit.

This news hit me hard; not only because I lost an old friend but also because I know how many great friends she had and I can't imaging having to hear the news that they had to hear this morning.

I just want to remind everyone that life is so short.  That was proven to me today when a 27-year-old beautiful girl passed away.  It shouldn't take things like this to slap us back into reality.  Be kind to one another and really take care of the relationships that you cherish.  Don't take anything or anyone for granted.

I just ask that everyone send some love/prayers to the friends and family of Nicole.  I know she will be missed like crazy.




  1. I am so torn up over this...Sooo sad!

  2. I was shocked yesterday morning when my mom called and told me about Nicole. It was way too soon, and she was always such a nice, kind-hearted girl. I completely agree with you that life is so short, and we take a lot for granted everyday.
