Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Greetings from Antarctica.  By "Antarctica", I mean Moorestown, NJ where we have a current wind chill of about 19.  The wind is blowing at about 20 miles per hour and it's FRIGID!  The past two days were amazing!  The highs were around 45 and, like I told my mom, it felt like a heat wave!  However, Jack Frost has waved his icy hands over the northeast once again.  But, good news... it's supposed to be sunny all week and next Monday's high is 49!

Anyway, I hope all of you had a great weekend and enjoyed the Super Bowl.  It was a pretty good game!  Our weekend was pretty fun.  Friday was actually VERY low-key.  I was in bed reading my new book by about 9 o'clock.  Saturday was a bit busier.  Vicki and I jumped out of our comfort zones and cashed in a LivingSocial.com deal for a "vertical fitness" class (i.e. Pole Dancing).  We had a blast and it was hilarious!  I've done one of these classes once before with a group of girls on a bachelorette party but this one was a lot more work-out intensive than the previous.  So, we had fun.  Then Saturday night, Vicki and her boyfriend, Matt, came over to our house for dinner.  Christian made an AWESOME lasagna for us.  Then, the four of us went downtown for the Junior League cocktail party that I mentioned in last week's post.  It was OK.  We really didn't know too many people there.  I think we were some of the only provisional (new) members there.  So, we stayed and had a few free drinks before heading home.  Sunday was of course Super Bowl Sunday so that morning was spent making meatballs, spinach dip and cupcakes.  We went to Jeff's house.  Jeff flies with Christian and invited the squadron over for the party.  It was a pretty good time.  I didn't really have a bias in the game.  I guess I was rooting for Pittsburg more than Green Bay though.... ya know, because of proximity and all.  But, Green Bay won and congrats to all Packers fans!  Another season of football comes to an end....

So, last week's post had a lot to do w/ fitness and eating well and all that jazz.  Well, I have to admit something: I'm addicted to Pillsbury Creamy Supreme Chocolate frosting.  I made those damn cupcakes for the Super Bowl party and now I can't stop eating this stuff!!!  It's literally sitting next to me on the desk with a spoon dipped in it as I type.  UGH!  Now, I just have to eat the rest of it so it will get the hell out of my house!  I don't know what is wrong with me lately but we usually NEVER have junk food in the house but I have chocolate and vanilla frosting and chocolate chip cookies.  Awful.

Oh well, I'll get back on track after this frosting is polished off.  :)

Speaking of last week's post... the information I was referencing was all from Dr. Oz.  Well, I recently learned of Vicki's crush on Dr. Oz so we were talking about possibly going to see his show soon.  To my surprise, Vicki called me this morning while I was at the gym to tell me that she got tickets for us to go see his show on March 9th in NYC!!!  I'm sooo excited!  I hope it's a really good episode!  Tickets were free so why the hell not, right!?  We'll have fun!  Plus, this is probably as close to Oprah as I will ever get (since Dr. Oz got his start from Oprah and all).  Yes, I'm still obsessed w/ Oprah.  Ain't no shame in this game.

As you know, Christian and I are planning on taking a trip at the end of this month to celebrate our first anniversary.  Well, we were planning on going to Vegas and the Grand Canyon but we've decided that the weather will be too cold out there and now we're either going on a cruise or going to Disney World.  I have my friend Maggie (a travel agent) working on some deals for us right now and hopefully we'll have the trip scheduled by the end of the week.  I'm really excited about going somewhere warm!!!

Oh, I almost forgot, we got our new Verizon iPhones yesterday!!!  It is sooo neat!  I love mine.  I really love it b/c it syncs up with my Mac desktop that I use for everything!  Now, I have my full calendar, email pictures, music and contacts all on my phone!  Love it!

Last week, I also mentioned a Dr.'s appointment that I had.  Well, I ended up canceling it.  It just didn't feel right.  So, we still have Christian's on the 24th (if we need it.... fingers crossed that we don't!).

Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to report this week.  Hope all of you have a wonderful week!



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