Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good morning and welcome to the first day of February!

Can you believe it!?  I sure can't.  Where did January go?  Oh well... at least I know that Spring is just around the corner if the year continues to fly by!  Once again we have "blah" weather up here in Jersey.  It snowed just a smidge last night and we have freezing rain today.  I'm getting a little tired of the constant grey.  It was beautiful this past Saturday morning.  We had sunshine and it looked like it could actually be warm outside (Obviously it wasn't.  Stupid optical illusions...).  No wonder January is the most depressing month of the year, especially for the cold states!

Anyway, aside from the melancholy weather, we've been having a good time lately.  Last Saturday was Christian's birthday so we pretty much celebrated all weekend.  Friday night we just hung out here at the house and I made a yummy seared tuna dinner and we also had to prepare our breakfast for Saturday morning.  We made creme brulee french toast.  One word: AMAZING!  We had creme brulee french toast at a little bistro in Jacksonville and decided to try it out.  So, it has to sit for about 8 hours before baking.  Saturday morning we woke up early, popped it in the oven and 40 minutes later had one of the best homemade breakfasts ever!  haha  We ran some errands Saturday and then Saturday night we went over to Shirley and John's house for a couple drinks before the four of us and another couple from town walked to an Italian restaurant on Main Street.  We had a great time!  The food was great and apparently, I thought the wine was even better.  Let's just say I wasn't feeling 100 percent Sunday morning.  haha  Well, Sunday afternoon, we met Vicki and Matt at the Philadelphia International Auto Show and looked at all the new cars on the market.  It was so neat!  I got new car fever pretty bad and we saw some ridiculously expensive cars.  A $427,000 Bentley, just to name one.  It was crazy!  The show was at the Philly Convention Center which is right next to Chinatown so the four of us went and had some yummy Malaysian food at a truly authentic restaurant.  We had a great weekend!

Then, Monday rolled around and it's back to our regular weekday grind.  I spent a lot of my day yesterday dealing with Verizon.  Seriously, they are the bane of my existence.  Christian and I are old Alltel customers who got screwed over when Alltel and Verizon merged a couple years ago.  So, we're wanting to get the new iPhone this month but b/c we're old Alltel customers STILL on an Alltel plan, we had to update everything.  It's just been a pain in the rear end.

I also started a new workout regimen yesterday.  I found some new workouts on www.bodybuilding.com/fun/workouts and I've decided that I'm only going to do weight training Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Tuesdays are my long distance running days and Thursdays are my yoga days.  So, today is Tuesday and I already went to the gym and did my run.  It's refreshing but man, it's tough.  I still want to lose a little more fat and build more muscle (definitely don't want to get skinnier, though).  So, that was my reasoning for switching up my routine.  I was watching Dr. Oz yesterday and it was all about the correct times to eat, exercise and take supplements (if any).  The average american wakes up at 6:30 a.m.  The best time to weigh yourself is at 6:30 (or when you wake up).  The best time to work out is right after you wake up and before you eat breakfast.  He did a neat visual aid for this:  he had two frying pans set on high and had a two sticks of butter to represent the fat in your body.  He placed one stick of butter in a frying pan by itself and the butter immediately began melting.  Then, he placed the other stick of butter in the other frying pan but it was on top of a piece of bread.  The bread represented the breakfast that you eat before exercising.  So, essentially, if you eat breakfast before exercising, your body works to burn the breakfast you just ate before getting to the fat that you're really trying to burn.  Interesting, huh?  It totally makes sense but I loved the way he displayed it.  So, wake up, weigh yourself, workout, THEN eat breakfast at about 8:30.  Lunch is at noon (no surprise) and dinner should be at 6:30 or at least three hours before bedtime.  Also, the only supplement discussion that I heard was about fiber and he said you should take any fiber supplements 15 minutes before dinner.  I'm not a supplement person, though.

So, I usually eat breakfast before I work out but now I'm switching it up.  Another interesting tip he gave for people working out before eating breakfast is to drink a glass of super cold water before you work out.  This is because the cold water will kickstart your body's metabolism and force it to start trying to heat the water... in turn, burning calories.  Not sure if this stuff interests any of you but I find it very interesting... plus, I love Dr. Oz!

I have gotten into such a routine with my workouts and I'm very proud of myself for that.  Granted, I don't work so I have a lot of time to dedicate to it and I know it's easier for folks that don't work.  However, if you'll remember (those of you who have known me for a while), about three years ago, I was about 25 pounds heavier than I am now.  A lot of that is because of my lifestyle at that time but it's amazing how changing your lifestyle and making healthier choices (even without exercising) will make the pounds fall off!  I lost the majority of my weight while I was working full time and going to school!  So, it can be done!  Christian also had a LOT to do with my lifestyle change.  He's extremely healthy and as soon as we started dating and I was practically living at his house, we ate healthy dinners every night, I made better choices because I was conscious of my goal and I simply wanted to be healthy and look good (for me and him).  Having an extra person to hold you accountable for things really helps!  So, if any of you have goals of getting healthier and you want someone to stalk you about it, let me know and I'll gladly be that person!  haha

Well, this week is pretty low-key for us.  I finally have a doctor's appointment this Friday to start looking into this infertility crap.  Christian has his appointment later this month.  So, hopefully we'll have some more knowledge and direction after those appointments.  This Saturday, we're going to a Junior League cocktail party in the city.  I'm pretty excited about that!  And, then, the Super Bowl is Sunday.  I'm rooting for the Steelers strictly because I think their coach is better looking than the Packers' coach.  Haha!  I could care less about any NFL team (except the Saints, of course).

I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL week!  Here's a funny little piece of art from one of my favorite artists (Brian Andreas on Storypeople.com).



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