Friday, July 30, 2010

Title:  Happy Friday everyone!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend planned!  My friend Christina and her son (Brady) are coming up to visit this weekend from Virginia Beach!  I'm so excited to have someone visit!!!

Christian was supposed to leave yesterday for a trip to California but it's all up in the air right now... he may leave tomorrow, he may not go at all... who knows.  Ladies & gentlemen, welcome to the Navy:  Where personal plans take a back seat!

So, anyway, the weather is supposed to be great up here this weekend.  Low 80s and low humidity!  It was 61 outside when I woke up this morning so all of our windows are open until it gets too warm.  It's been pretty warm the past couple days so this is a nice relief.  Not sure what we're going to do this weekend.  Since Christina is bringing her son, we might go to the zoo or something kid friendly.  That'll be something nice and different!

If Christian is home at the beginning of next week, he got selected to go to the Eagle's training camp Tuesday evening and will get to meet the players and watch them practice and stuff.  Pretty neat, huh?  He's pretty excited so I hope he is actually home.  Then, we're leaving Wednesday afternoon to head down to Jacksonville for a couple days.  We'll come back to Philly the following Sunday.  Christian is is one of his friends' weddings so it will be good to see all of our friends down there!  Hopefully it won't be too hot! Then, that Wednesday is when I fly to Pensacola!!!!  YAYYYYY!  I can't wait to come home!  I'm so excited!  I wish I was staying a little longer but I'm coming back up here on the 16th since Christian is leaving for 30 days starting August 20th.  But, like I said in my last post, I get to go to Sicily to meet him on September 14!  Who knows, I might get a wild hair and drive home sometime between August 20 & September 14.  We'll see.

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by!  It's almost AUGUST!  Before you know it, the holidays will be here!  YIKES!  I am sooo ready for fall though.  I love Fall... the smells, the colors, the clothes, the festivals.  But, then comes winter.  And, I live in the Northeast.  Ohhhh boy, this will be interesting!

Everything else is going really well.  I got a GREAT haircut and highlight yesterday.  It's probably the best color job I've ever had.  I was so nervous because I love my hairstylist, Hurst, in Florida but I knew it was time to change since Pensacola isn't the most convenient destination anymore.  So, one of my friends up here who lives in the city recommended Hush Salon.  So, I called and made an appointment and as I was riding the train down to the city yesterday I was reading Elle magazine.  One of the main articles was "Top 100 Hair Salons in the County".  And wouldn't ya know, Hush was listed as one of the BEST in the country!  How awesome is that!  I knew that had to be a good sign!  So, needless to say, I'm very happy!  And, it was about the same price as I usually pay in Florida.

Anyway, that's all I have for today.  Have a greaaaattt weekend!  LOVE!


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