Wednesday, July 21, 2010

TITLE:  I got nothin'

So, at the end of my last post, I asked that you stay tuned for post 2 of 2 of my North vs. South posting.  But, I'm not really feeling it anymore so this one will just be a jumble of all things Chrissi.  However, let me just give you the basis of what that blog post would have been about:  Christian and I have talked about southern hospitality and all that jazz quite a but.  Frankly, he hates southern hospitality and thinks it's fake... especially when it comes to people you really know.  Yes, we all enjoy the super sweet southern lady who called you "sugar" and says "bless your heart" but is all that niceness really necessary when you're with your friends?  I'm from the school where friendship is honest, fun, in-your-face, etc.  I like when my friends can make fun of me and I can make fun of them and we all know it's just in good fun or when it's not fun, we know it's just honesty... love it or hate it.  Christian thinks girls from the south are more apt to act nice to someone they actually don't like and then talk about them when that person is no longer around.  I'd have to say this is probably true in one way or another.  Have I gone through this?  Absolutely.  Has almost every girl in America who has any inkling of a social life gone through this?  Absolutely.  Is it crappy, annoying, fake, messed up, etc?  Um... absolutely.  So, essentially, that was the basis of my intended post.  However, I'm over it.  I'd like to see some kind of research on southern hospitality and how helpful/hurtful it is.  Also, I'd like to know if it's even southern hospitality at all that makes girls so ridiculously fake at times (yes, I'm guilty of this behavior too).  hmmm... interesting, right?

So, anyway.... Christian and I got back from New Hampshire yesterday evening and we had a great time!  Spending time at a bed & breakfast always makes you appreciate the simple things in life.  We don't need ridiculous hotels with four stay restaurants and chandeliers that are as big a car in the lobby.  Is that nice?  Yes.  Is it better than a b&b?  Nope, not in my book.  Here's a picture of the little place we stayed (outside and then our room):

The food that Janet (the inn keeper) cooks for breakfast is amazing!  This is our third year staying at this place and it's great every time.  Our trip was great though.  Scott & Meg are the ones who invited us and the party was held at Meg's parent's house up on the lake.  They're place is absolutely gorgeous!  It's huge and the landscaping is amazing and they have three boats, jet skis, kayaks, anything you could possibly imagine!  So, needless to say, with all of that and the great people that were there, we had a blast!  We actually ended up staying a day longer than we had planned.  

Christian went back to work today and I've been catching up on my honey-do lists and going through mail and cleaning the house.  My car's air is taking forever to cool down so I have to take it in to get looked at on Friday.  You'd think it would be fine since it's a new car that hasn't even been through a summer yet but it takes forever.  So, luckily we're under warranty just in case anything is wrong.  

Christian's going to Maryland this weekend to see his dad.  It's his dad's 60th birthday so they're going to go do man stuff around western MD.  I've decided I'm staying home so I can just chill and catch up on "me time".  I have a lunch date with a new friend Saturday.  And, I think I'm going to spend Saturday afternoon in Jersey looking at towns that we can move to.  March will be here before you know it!!!  

I can't believe it's almost August, can you?!  However, I'm definitely ready for Fall!  No big news yet in the baby department for us.  I'm much more relaxed about it this month than I was last month.  Last month, I was stressed about it and thinking everything that I could possibly feel was a "sign".  That was stupid and now I really don't think about it that often.  Crazy how fast your mind can change when you want it to.  So, like I said, it will happen when it's meant to happen but keep on thinking about us and praying for us!  :)

I'm going to volunteer tomorrow at a charter school in Philly.  I have to sit on an interview panel to interview new candidates for this charter school.  I'm really excited about it!  I'll let you all know how that goes!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing really well!  I miss alllll of you and can't wait to see you Pensacola people in August!  LOVE you!


"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
- Groucho Marx

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