Sunday, July 25, 2010

Title:  Upcoming Event.... making history

I just got word from one of my friends (Megan- wife of one of Christian's friends- who will be overseas) that we have a hotel booked in Washington D.C. for the weekend of August 27.  Megan, her 7 month old son, her parents, Kimberly & Zack, Jen & Eddie and I (Christian will also be overseas) are all going to stay in D.C. this weekend to attend Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally ( at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  The main reason I am going is not political, at all.  The main reason I am going is because Marcus Luttrell will be speaking.  If that name doesn't ring a bell, here's a hint- he was the author and star of the book "The Lone Survivor".  I have written about this book in my posts before.  He was the only survivor of a SEAL team ambushed in Afghanistan.  Such a moving book.

I'm really excited.  If you're a history buff (or if you have even slightly more historic knowledge than I do , you will know that August 28th is also the day that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his infamous "I have a dream.." speech.  Glenn Beck is getting quite a bit of flack over this connection so it will be interesting to see the protests.  I'll admit, all I can think about is the rally at the Lincoln Memorial that is portrayed in Forrest Gump.  "...WAR IN VIET- F*****-NAM!"  Like I said, this is not political for me.  You know how I mentioned in my last post that I'm on the fence w/ religion?  Well, that's precisely where I am with politics too.  I can usually make sense of both arguments and that's what makes it so tough for me.  That's the gemini in me, I guess.  I'm not a huge fan of extreme politics towards the right or left.  So anyway, the reason I bring up the political thing is because Glenn Beck is obviously associated with republicans.  Another reason I bring this us is because Sarah Palin will also be speaking at this rally.  I have to admit, I'm pretty interested in seeing/hearing her.  I'll definitely post back on all of this.

Essentially, this rally is not supposed to be political- although I don't imagine too many staunch liberals will be in attendance.  It's supposed to be about restoring honor in our troops and bringing more attention to them.  So, obviously, I'm TOTALLY on board with this one since I'm a dependent of one of those military members.

So, I just wanted to let you guys know about this!  I'm pumped!  It'll make for a good story to tell my kids, if nothing else!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend and has a great week coming up!


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