Thursday, May 20, 2010

I made it back safely for those who I have yet to talk to! Flights were a bit bumpy and a bit delayed but all in all, I made it fine. However, when I got to the airport and in my car, I went the wrong direction on I95. Should have gone south but, instead, I went north. So, I ended up in downtown Philly and FINALLY got home two hours after my plane touched down. I REALLY need a GPS! haha Oh well.

I am glad to be home though! I'm happy to be around all of my stuff! As they say, there's no place like home. Christian's still gone. He was supposed to come home tomorrow but their training got extended because of a problem with the simulator building so he won't be home until late next Wednesday. I miss him! But, we're making the best of it and we're doing fine. We talk about three times a day and I'm keeping a busy as possible. Just can't wait to see him!

The weather was pretty crappy when I got in but it's gorgeous today! Sunny and about 80 degrees out. I went to Home Depot and picked up some potted flowers for the back deck, weeded our front flower beds and picked some of the beautiful roses that are growing outside our front door! They're beautiful and my neighbor, Pete, showed me how to trim them so they'll keep on bloomin'. So, I have a pretty little bouquet of six large pink roses in our foyer right now!

I've been skipping out on the gym because my days were all screwed up when I got here. I thought yesterday was Monday for some reason so when I was looking at the class schedule for the gym, I was all screwed up. Finally figured it out and I have a spin class in the morning to get me back in the groove.

Otherwise, everything is going well. This weekend, I've volunteering for a down syndrome walk doing registration and stuff so that will take most of Saturday which will be fun. Other than that, no big plans.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far and have a great weekend coming up!

Love y'all!!!



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