Saturday, June 2, 2012

How the heck is it JUNE?!

I'll repeat the title of this post- HOW THE HECK IS IT JUNE?!  I can't believe this year is almost half over.  That is craaaaazy.  I guess time flies when you're having fun (and raising a baby).  :)

I hope all of you are doing well and having a great weekend!  Christian's squadron is having their annual picnic today so Max and I are about to head out to base to meet Christian for that.  Christian is getting in the dunk tank so this should be fun!  haha  Apparently, he got the most votes within the squadron to be the person in the tank.  I'm starting to wonder if people don't like him.  haha  Just kidding.  :)

Last night we had our friend Scott come in town.  He's checking out Christian's squadron as a potential squadron to drill with as a reservist.  So, he got in around 5 and we all went out to Haddonfield's First Friday celebration.  But, it wasn't as crowded as usual because of the threat of major weather that we had last night.  It wasn't too bad around here but apparently areas south of us got it pretty hard.  Hoping everyone that was affected is OK!

So, I have to fess up to something.  :-/  Many of you may have seen on Facebook that Max and I went to the beach this week.  We had such a great time with friends and he loves the beach.  However, (and I cringe as I type this) he got his first little sunburn.  We were under an umbrella the entire time and he was never in direct sunlight but the reflections off the sand got him.  I feel AWFULLLLLLLL.  Seriously, I've never felt worse about myself in my entire life.  BUT, it doesn't seem to bother him AT ALL.  He's happy as can be and sleeping just the same as always.  It's on his forehead and he even had little tiny water blisters.  Yeah, imagine having to look at your little angel with a red face and little bumps.  AWFUL!  I called his pediatrician yesterday morning (the morning after it happened) and asked if there is anything I should do and he said as long as Max doesn't seem bothered by it, don't worry about it.  But, as the day went on yesterday, I couldn't get ANYTHING done because I couldn't stop looking up stuff online to help calm my nerves about it.  Yeah, the internet sucks for that.  So, I called the doctor's office again and asked if I could bring him in just to have it looked at.  They said sure so I took him in.  The doctor just gave me some pointers for the next time we're out at the beach (which isn't in my near future since I still feel horrible about it) to help block the reflections and all that jazz.  He's still a little too young for sunscreen, she says, so I have to be super careful in just keeping him out of the sun.  She suggested I just put Aquaphor (a thick healing cream for babies) on it to keep it moisturized and to nurse him more often to make sure he's staying super hydrated.  But, like I said, he's totally fine and content and doesn't even flinch with I put the lotion on him.  I also gave him a bath this morning and washed his hair and face and he just kept on splashing like always!  haha   I think it's way worse for me than it is for him.  I HATE it and I've apologized to him about a thousand times.  haha

Well, other than that debacle, we are just having a great time watching Max grow and become so much fun!  He's so darn cute and he learns new things so quickly!  I can't wait to get back down to Florida for the family to see him!  Only about two more weeks until I'm there!  I'm soooo excited!  I'm flying out of Washington DC since they have direct flights.  I'm going to stay with my father-in-law (Jurgen) in Baltimore the night before and he'll drive me and Max down to the airport for our flight out.  It's about a two and a half hour flight so hopefully Max will do really well again.  He's not as fussy as he used to be but he stays awake longer and wants to play so hopefully he won't get too antsy.

Also, we FINALLY ordered the pictures that we had taken when Max was two weeks old.  They're so precious!  I'll post them on Facebook ASAP so y'all can take a look.  The files are too big and take too long to upload on here.  :)

Well, enjoy your weekend and have a happy day!



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