Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

Hey y'all!

Well, I'm officially in my late twenties as Christian decided to inform me this morning.... only three more years and I'll be THIRTY!  What the heck....

Today probably won't be too exciting.  Christian had to leave this morning for this three week det in Japan and Max is still a little fussy from his shots yesterday so we're just going to lay low and relax.  So, no big birthday celebration in store for me.  We went out to dinner last night to celebrate.  If Max is feeling up to it later, we may make a little trip to the mall for a little b-day present for myself.  :)

My big birthday present is going to come next Monday when I get to Florida though!!!  I CAN'T WAIT!  I'm so excited to be home and around family for two whole weeks!  I wish it was 2 whole years!  haha

As I mentioned, Max had shots yesterday at his four month well visit.  He's a healthy boy and growing perfectly.  He weighs 14 pounds, 2.5 ounces and is 25 inches long.  He's in the 20th percentile for weight and 60th percentile for height.  We have a long and lean boy!  We talked with the doctor about his sleep issues and explained that Max is not sleeping well during the day and only goes about five hours at the MOST during the night before waking up (and that's rare these days).  He asked if Max was fussy during the day or content and I told him he's getting more and more fussy... especially when he doesn't sleep well.  So, he said it's probably time to get a little tough with him.  He recommended the Ferber method which is a modified version of cry-it-out (you go in an reassure him at timed intervals while he's crying rather than just letting him cry alone).  I told him that we are going out of town next week and he recommended that I wait until we get back in town to start anything so I can dedicate two weeks to it.  He said prepare to be totally sleep deprived for two weeks because it may take that long for Max to get the hang of it.  Hopefully, it works a LOT faster than the two weeks though!  Dr. King also recommended we start him on solids once a day now.  He said he's not a believer that it helps babies sleep any better but that it does work for some people.  So, we tried a little bit of oatmeal last night and he spit most of it out.  He'll get the hang of it.  I'm going to try some carrots or sweet potatoes later this week to see if he likes it a little more.  I'll take some pictures for sure.  :)

Anyway, I hope you're all having a great week and I'll see a lot of you next week!!!!



1 comment:

  1. We ended up doing the cry out method with Josiah! It was tough but it only took him three nights! Hope he starts sleeping better soon!!
