Thursday, March 8, 2012

What a difference eight days make!

So, now we have a 19 day old!  And, man, let me tell you, those eight days since my last post have only gotten better.  Granted, it's still not the easiest thing in the world but we're definitely making it and I feel like my old self!  I think those baby blues took a hike right at the two week point.  THANK GOD!  I'm hoping I never feel that way again.  That was pure awful.  So, all is well now and we're just making it day by day.  :)

Max is doing great!  I took him to the doc this morning for a weight check (they see breastfed babies a little more frequently to make sure they're gaining adequately) and he's almost a pound heavier than he was a birth!  He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz at birth and now he's 8 lbs 1 oz!  So, he's growing really well and proof positive that my milk supply is great!  Another THANK GOD!  haha  He's not having any issues what so ever, other than a little diaper rash that keep creeping back in right when I think it's gone.  But, that's pretty minimal and we're just managing it w/ some good ol' Butt Paste!  :)

Christian is still doing well and he's such a FABULOUS dad!  I'm so freakin' blessed it's ridiculous.  I can't imagine having to do this on my own or with a husband who wasn't supportive.  Props to any single moms out there.  Holy crap you have a hard job.  But anyway, Christian is home for five more days before he leaves for three weeks.  Yes, that's freaking me out a bit but I know I just have to suck it up and handle it.  I'm strong and I know I can do it.  There may be a few tears shed while he's gone (and certainly when he leaves) but we'll be fine.  Just pray for his safety please.  Thank goodness he's not going on any kind of deployment.  I'm not sure what I would do.

Everything at the house is slowly starting to get back in order.  It's been hard to keep track of everything with this little guy latched to my boob most of the time.  haha  But, I've decided to start a routine with Max so I'm hoping it pays off.  Basically, I read the book "On Becoming Baby Wise" and it says if you stick to their routine, your baby should sleep through the night (at least eight hours) by 12 weeks of age.  I'm all about that.  It's called Parent Directed Feeding.  Essentially, you direct your baby's routine rather than jumping to their every single need or feeding them every time they cry.  It's a lot about parental assessment of the situation and determining why baby is fussy before you all of a sudden jump to feed him.  So, we've started the routine appropriate for 1-4 week olds.  It's an eat, wake time, naptime routine every three hours.  Then, at night, we let him sleep as long as he wants before feeding him again (usually about four hours in between feedings at night).  So, hopefully, he'll understand soon enough that he eats during the day and sleeps at night.  I'm on day three of that schedule now and it seems to be working pretty well (knock on wood).  It also helps me with a little bit of predictability throughout my day.  I asked Max's pediatrician about this routine business this morning and this is pretty much what she did with her kids so she has no problem with it.  So, wish us continued success with this!

Anyway, just wanted to provide a little update for you guys!  Hope all of you are having a great week!  It's 70 degrees up here today and gorgeous!




  1. It's so interesting to see how close Max and Mady are on track with each other. They were born just 2 days apart and seem to be so alike! She was 8.5 oz at her 2 week mark, so she's a tad bit chubbier! I'm pumping, since breastfeeding was a nightmare for us! Kudos to you for making it work! I'm also having to supplement her feeding with formula, especially through the night. I'm curious to learn about the schedule you were talking about. I may have to check out that book. We're on a 3 hour schedule too, but shes not sleeping 4-5 at night like Max is. Would be awesome if this little monkey would sleep longer through the nights. I cant imagine doing this alone. Thank God for supportive hubbies! Well have fun with your little guy! It is rewarding, although hard! :)

    1. Hey there! The schedule is actually pretty easy to follow so far. And, the book is a SUPER easy read. I read/skimmed the whole thing in two days. Here's a good blog that highlights all of the topics in the book. It's written by a mom who puts this into practice: There's an index on the right side of this blog that has all the topics listed. It's pretty cool.

      Let me know how it goes if you try it!
