Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finals days!!!!

Woohoo!!!  We've almost made it!  Christian should be home Sunday and I am beyond excited to have my darling home!  I can't freaking wait.  Luckily we've been able to Skype almost every day so that has been great.  But, I hate that he's away from Max and missing out on the tiny little changes he's made in the last three week.  While Christian has been gone, Max has started sleeping in his own bed, he's started cooing, he smiled for the first time while talking to Christian on Skype ***which was AMAZING***, and he's so alert and will just interact with me so much more than before.  And, as I type, I'm watching him nap on the monitor and he's slowly starting to find his hands as something to suck on and soothe him.  It's great.  So, obviously, I can't wait for Christian to see him.  :)

So, anyway, since my last post, Mom came back in town and we had a great time!  She got here last Thursday and left this Tuesday.  We went into Philly two of the days she was here.  The first day, we saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall and the second day, we went to the Art Museum.  It was great to get out into the city and get a little culture.  Max did great on both days and people were just oooing and ahhing over him the whole time.  But, all in all, it was great to have Mom here.  She kept me company and helped with Max quite a bit.  It was VERY nice!  I even got to go out for manicure and go back to the gym.  Ahhh....  :)

The days that I haven't had company have just been spent by doing little outings here and there, attending some of the Mom's Club events and walking around the neighborhood.  Today, I'm actually having to meet with a CPA to do our taxes.  YIKES!  We were going to do it after Christian got back but they don't accept appointment after April 1st so I'm meeting with him today and I think I have everything.  Once you own a house and have investment stuff, taxes get a lot more complicated that the 1040-EZ I've always been used to!  haha  So, wish me luck... especially since Max is tagging along.  :-/

So, Christian gets home Sunday and then he'll work a little next week and then Easter weekend we'll go out to Maryland to see his dad's and the rest of the family.

That's about it for us.  Short and sweet, right?  :)  I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend coming up!  Please pray for Christian's safe return!



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