Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The day has come...

Well, the day I've been dreading is upon us and it sucks.  I dropped Christian off at base this afternoon and he'll be overseas until the beginning of next month.  So, it's just Max and me for the next three weeks.  Yesterday was really tough and I cried a bit in anticipation of Christian leaving but today actually hasn't been awful.  Christian and I were able to give Max his first real bath this morning since his umbilical cord finally fell off two nights ago.  Then, we went to lunch and then I took him out to base.  The goodbye was a little teary but not nearly as emotional as I expected.  I thought I would totally break down but I didn't!  So, now, we just have to make these next three weeks FLY BY!

I have a few things on the calendar to get us out of the house and help the days pass by.  Tomorrow, I'm going to meet with a Mom's Club here in our town to see what they're all about.  It's basically a group for stay-at-home moms to get together with and without their children to socialize and support one another.  So, hopefully that will be something I like.  We're meeting at a park nearby since the weather is so nice.

Then, my friends Vicki and Paige are coming over tomorrow evening to hang out.  I'm pretty excited for some friend time!  Plus, Vicki's bringing wine!  haha

Then, on Friday, my dad and step-mom get in town for the weekend.  I'm really excited for that too and for Max to meet another set of grandparents!

Next week, I have my post-natal doctor appointment to give me the go-ahead to get back to normal.  I'm feeling great and I've lost all of my pregnancy weight so hopefully everything is going well with the rest of me recovering!  I have to take Max with me to my appointment but hopefully he'll just sleep the whole time.

Sometime next week, I need to start the process of getting his birth certificate, social security stuff and then his passport since we're planning another trip to Germany later this year.

The weather is supposed to stay pretty nice the next 10 days so we'll be taking walks and going to the park some.  Oh, also, Christian and I met a couple that lives like six houses down from us the other day while we were out walking.  The wife, Talia, just had a baby boy on March 1st so that's pretty nice to know that someone else close by is going through what we're going through.  She seems to be around my age or a little older.  Hopefully she and I can connect a little more once we both really get the hang of this motherhood stuff.

Well, anyway, please just say a little prayer for the three of us so we make it through the next three weeks OK.  Pray for Christian's safe flights too!



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