Saturday, October 29, 2011

um, it's snowing.... in October.

So, last post, I said "rain, rain, go away".... this post I should change rain to snow.  That's right, it's snowing in the great state of New Jersey!  The last time it snowed in this area this early was in 1979!  That's before I was even born!  So, I'm getting in the spirit by listening to Christmas music and baking oatmeal cookies (my fave!).  I can at least fake that it's really that time of year for snow, right?

Speaking of Christmas music, Michael Buble just came out with a Christmas album and it's fabulous!  I highly recommend it.  He's just amazing.  :)

Since today is just nasty out, I'm not leaving the house!  I went out to check the mail and just about froze my butt off.  And, mind you, our mailbox is one of those that is connected to the house.  You know, the ones that require a postman on foot.  So, I didn't have to go far.  haha  IT'S COLD!  I didn't prepare for this cold weather very well either.  We only have a little firewood left over from last year and I haven't gotten any of those self-starter fire logs either.  Plus, I'm terrified to go in the garage to get last year's firewood b/c I'm freakishly scared of spiders being on it.  So, I'm SOL.  haha  Plus, I'm trying to not raise the heat over about 65 because we REALLY don't want the $500 power bills to start yet.  Oh the joys of gas heat.

Anyway.... Christian gets home on Wednesday!  I can't wait!  We have our tour of the hospital's maternity ward next Saturday and one of our first birthing classes next Wednesday!  So, all of this should be very interesting.  The class next week is the natural birth class.  Then, in December, we'll take the regular, all-encompassing birth class so we know about all aspects.  As far as baby goes, everything is going great!  He's moving almost all day now; which really makes me wonder if I'm going to have a kid that never sleeps.  Lord, I hope not!  haha  I had an ultrasound last week and he's measuring perfectly.  The nursery is starting to come together and I'm loving it.  And... I'm now starting to feel fat.  haha  I've gained about 18 pounds so far and thanks to my genes, it's going straight to my butt and legs... and, of course, my belly.  Now, I'll admit, I'm digging my new found "junk in the trunk", as Christian calls it.  haha  But, I had to go up a size in jeans yesterday and that was no fun.  But, it's all for a good cause, right?  ;)  And those cookies I'm baking probably aren't the best idea I've had.  Oh well.

So, are you guys dressing up for Halloween?  No costumes for me this year but I'll be propped on my porch Monday handing out candy to all the little trick or treaters this year.  I know a lot of people are celebrating tonight by going to parties and all that stuff.  All I have to say is I feel for those of you who are going out in Philly or anywhere else up here!  It's friggin' cold and yuck and only supposed to get colder and yuckier throughout the night.

Well, I hope you guys have a great weekend and Happy Halloween!!!  Next year, we'll have our own little pumpkin to dress up!



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