Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Fall Y'all!

Hey everybody!

I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your weekend.  We've had a great weekend and it's pretty chilly up here today.  I'm sitting here in sweats b/c we refuse to turn on the heat since it's supposed to be back in the 70s this week.  It's about 64 in our house!  haha  Christian's actually about to start a fire to warm it up a little in here.  First one of the season!

We've been home for a week and it's been great getting back to normal.  Christian went back to work and I got back in my normal routine.... back to working out at the gym, cooking dinner every night and actually being up-to-date with current events.  :)  It's good to be home.

We had a pretty low-key weekend.  Friday evening we grilled steaks here at the house and then we both fell asleep around 8:30 on the couch.  haha  Saturday was spent cleaning for me and Christian worked on finishing his part of the Hoosier cabinet.  We got it all stripped and sanded and we were able to prime it yesterday!  I'll paint it this week and then it will be ready to go in the baby's room!  Then, yesterday afternoon we watched some great college football and ended up craving tailgating food so I made some meatballs with grape jelly and bbq sauce.  YUMMY!  Then, I fell asleep pretty early again and Christian stayed up to watch some of the later games.  Then, today, we ran in a 5k for Junior League.  Christian and I met up with my friend Megan (who's also pregnant) and her husband, Matt and ran some and walked some.  I was proud of us!  I've still been jogging throughout my pregnancy and everything has been great so far so I'm going to keep going until it's uncomfortable.  My doc said it was fine as long as my heart rate doesn't get too high.  After the 5k, we came home, rested a little and then walked down the street to a little festival going on.  Now, we're relaxing and Christian is obsessing over his fantasy football.  haha  Every Sunday!

We have a short week this week because we're leaving Friday morning to head to New Hampshire for the holiday weekend (Columbus Day)!  I'm so excited!  It's supposed to be gorgeous weather and we're pumped for the annual Troop Family Clam Bake!

Once we're back from NH, Christian will be home another week and then he's off on another det for 2-3 weeks.  Then, after that, only short trips for him until after the baby is here!

Speaking of baby.  I went to the doc Wednesday for my monthly check-up and everything is going great.  Max's heart rate sounds great, I'm measuring perfectly and I'm gaining the right amount of weight to stay within the recommended 25-30 pounds total for the whole pregnancy.  Max is also moving around like crazy now and I can see the little thumps on my belly when he's moving a lot.  Christian saw one yesterday.  It's so neat.

Well, that's about all I have for now.  I hope you all have a great week coming up!!!



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