Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cruel, cruel Summer

Bananarama should be singing their song, "Cruel Cruel Summer", every day down here in Pensacola.  Let's just say I have gotten used to the "warm" summers up north and was not prepared for the Florida heat that I grew up with.  It has been so brutally warm that I haven't wanted to do anything outside.  I would love to be at the beach every day but it's unbearable unless you're in the water the entire time.  Plus, the water feels like bath water so it's not the most refreshing thing in the world.

But, all in all, I've been having a good time.  I've spent a lot of time with family and friends and just running the usual errands that I run while I'm home.  I am pretty ready to get back to my house and regular routine but I'm making the most of my time here, that's for sure!

I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow!  That's so crazy to me!  In the beginning, I thought this pregnancy would take FOREVER but it seems to be going by pretty quickly.  I'm feeling better and I have gotten most of my energy back.  I'm so thankful that I never really had any morning sickness and the worst thing about my first trimester was just being tired.  I didn't want to do anything at all!  But, now, I'm much more energetic and I'm finally back in the gym!  That makes me feel a thousand times better too.  Since I worked out so much before I got pregnant, I felt like a total slob during the first trimester because I really didn't work out at all.  But, now I'm back to jogging and lifting weights (lighter weight, more reps of course).  I'm hoping to keep up a great workout routine throughout pregnancy so I can have an easier delivery and lose weight more quickly after the baby is born.

I hoping for an easy delivery because I'm really hoping to do it totally naturally.  I just figure so many other women have done it so I can too!  Plus, I want the whole true experience, pain and all.  I know it's going to be awful and I'm not totally opposed to having an epidural but I want to try my hardest to avoid it.

Christian is still overseas and actually got extended another 10 days.  So, that stinks.  But, as soon as he gets back, we're heading to Germany!!  I'm so excited!  I always get antsy this time of year because we always go in September and I look forward to it so much.  I love being around his family over there and just taking in the European culture.  I think we're going to try to leave on September 11 on a military flight so it doesn't cost us anything to get over there.  Then, we'll do the same coming back about 10 days later.  That is probably one of the absolute BEST benefits of being in the military.  I really wanted to go to NYC on September 11 and see the ceremonies marking the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 but if we leave that day, we obviously won't be able to do that.

So anyway, I'm leaving this coming Friday to head back home and my dad's tagging along to keep me company.  So, we'll get there Saturday and he's flying back down here on Sunday.  Should be a good time.

Well, I hope all of you are having a good weekend!  Stay cool!



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