Friday, August 26, 2011

Come on Irene...

"Looks like this hurricane is going to run right over you" says my husband on our daily phone call today.  Thanks for that info, babe.  ;)  So, I've been watching this storm religiously for the last two days and there's really nothing else to do other than prepare.  I've stocked up on water and food to eat if we don't have power.  I have plenty of books to read and I'm about to go to the store to get one item I forgot at the store last night- a dang flashlight.  DUH!  Hopefully we won't lose power for too long but better to be safe than sorry.  I went through two weeks without power after Hurricane Ivan and it was hot as hell.  So, going a little while after this storm shouldn't be too bad since the highs are right around 80 next week.

There are a few things I have to do to prepare around the house before the storm hits....putting away plants, remove window units, storing the grill and securing furniture out on the porch.  I'm going to head northeast tomorrow to my friend Vicki's house to stay with her and her boyfriend while the storm makes it's way through.  I just don't want to be here alone.  So, as soon as it's safe to head back to Jersey, I'll head back home to assess everything.  So, say a little prayer that everything is OK and none of the HUGE trees around my house do any damage.  Luckily, we have renters insurance and everything is replaceable but man, that would suck.  TWO houses in one year damaged by storms?  No thanks.

So anyway, other than the preparations, I'm going to a Phillies game tonight!  haha  My friend Iris gets free tickets for the Marlins games so she invited me to the one tonight.  It will be my first major league baseball game and it should be fun!

Well, y'all take care and I'll keep everyone updated!



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's shakin'?

Apparently, the whole East Coast was shakin' yesterday!  Yes, folks, I was able to feel my first ever earthquake yesterday as the 5.9 magnitude quake hit southwest of D.C. yesterday afternoon.  I was in Philly getting my hair done when the building started shaking and kind of swaying side to side.  I looked outside the window I was sitting next to and all the street light poles and trees were shaking too.  We didn't know what to think.  Was it a huge truck that went by?  Was it an explosion?  Were we under attack?  It was pretty freaky.  Then, about three minutes later, CNN announced that there had been an earthquake that was felt all along the east coast.  It was a strange feeling, that's for sure.  And, I'll go ahead and say that I prefer to never go through anything stronger than that!  "Experience an earthquake" has never been on my bucket list.

Other than that ground breaking news (so many puns, I can't help it), I've just been hanging around the house since I got back from FL this past weekend.  I'm so happy to be home in the presence of my own stuff.  Now, if only Christian didn't get extended until Sept 7, that would be fabulous.  But, I will say that it's good that he's not flying home this weekend because of this dang hurricane headed our way.  How crazy it is that we could have an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week IN NEW JERSEY!  Weird.  I'm going to keep watching this storm to see what our news outlets are saying and if it will really make any big issues around here.  I'm hoping it won't come this way!  I definitely don't want to be here alone while a Cat 3 hurricane runs ashore.  I'm only about an hour away from the coast so if it ends up being a direct hit and still a major hurricane, I'll hang with friends here or head out to Christian's dad's.

I just got home from the doctor for another monthly appointment.  Everything is going really well and the baby's heart rate was in the 150's this time.  I'll have blood work done September 7th as the second part of the sequential screening and at that point, I'll find out when the next ultrasound will be.  I'm assuming the end of September or beginning of October.  That's when we'll find out the sex!  I also got my prenatal passport today.  It's a little document that I'll take with me on our trip to Germany next month.  It has all of the info so far just in case I have to see a doctor over there.  I think it's pretty neat that they do that.

So, not much else is going on.  I have to get out and cut the grass this afternoon.  Blah!  I started it Monday but it was wet and thick so the lawn mower kept struggling.  So, hopefully, it's dried out by now so I can get it finished.

Hope all of you are having a good week!  Talk soon-


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cruel, cruel Summer

Bananarama should be singing their song, "Cruel Cruel Summer", every day down here in Pensacola.  Let's just say I have gotten used to the "warm" summers up north and was not prepared for the Florida heat that I grew up with.  It has been so brutally warm that I haven't wanted to do anything outside.  I would love to be at the beach every day but it's unbearable unless you're in the water the entire time.  Plus, the water feels like bath water so it's not the most refreshing thing in the world.

But, all in all, I've been having a good time.  I've spent a lot of time with family and friends and just running the usual errands that I run while I'm home.  I am pretty ready to get back to my house and regular routine but I'm making the most of my time here, that's for sure!

I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow!  That's so crazy to me!  In the beginning, I thought this pregnancy would take FOREVER but it seems to be going by pretty quickly.  I'm feeling better and I have gotten most of my energy back.  I'm so thankful that I never really had any morning sickness and the worst thing about my first trimester was just being tired.  I didn't want to do anything at all!  But, now, I'm much more energetic and I'm finally back in the gym!  That makes me feel a thousand times better too.  Since I worked out so much before I got pregnant, I felt like a total slob during the first trimester because I really didn't work out at all.  But, now I'm back to jogging and lifting weights (lighter weight, more reps of course).  I'm hoping to keep up a great workout routine throughout pregnancy so I can have an easier delivery and lose weight more quickly after the baby is born.

I hoping for an easy delivery because I'm really hoping to do it totally naturally.  I just figure so many other women have done it so I can too!  Plus, I want the whole true experience, pain and all.  I know it's going to be awful and I'm not totally opposed to having an epidural but I want to try my hardest to avoid it.

Christian is still overseas and actually got extended another 10 days.  So, that stinks.  But, as soon as he gets back, we're heading to Germany!!  I'm so excited!  I always get antsy this time of year because we always go in September and I look forward to it so much.  I love being around his family over there and just taking in the European culture.  I think we're going to try to leave on September 11 on a military flight so it doesn't cost us anything to get over there.  Then, we'll do the same coming back about 10 days later.  That is probably one of the absolute BEST benefits of being in the military.  I really wanted to go to NYC on September 11 and see the ceremonies marking the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 but if we leave that day, we obviously won't be able to do that.

So anyway, I'm leaving this coming Friday to head back home and my dad's tagging along to keep me company.  So, we'll get there Saturday and he's flying back down here on Sunday.  Should be a good time.

Well, I hope all of you are having a good weekend!  Stay cool!



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One of the most amazing experiences of my life

Well, I got to meet our little one again today.  I had my first trimester screening done which consisted of an ultrasound and some blood work.  So much has changed since our first ultrasound that was done about 5 weeks ago!  We have a true baby now!  The heart beat sounds like galloping horses and the baby had hiccups!!!  I laughed so much watching this!  It was just so cute!  He/she moved around quite a bit while the ultrasound tech pushed on my stomach to make sure the baby got in the right position to take measurements.

I sat there will little tears falling down the side of my face as I watched this little miracle on the black and white screen.  All I could think about was how badly I wished Christian was there to see it.  I felt selfish for getting to see it while he's over in the 120 degree heat in Bahrain.  But, he just called me and we talked all about and and he was cracking up when I told him about the hiccups!  haha  :)

I'm so happy and relieved that we have a healthy baby right now.  I'm sure all moms-to-be worry like I have been but we've worked a while on this and it's just so special to us.

So, now I'm going to get to work on choosing all the baby gear and picking out stuff for a nursery.  I'm trying my hardest to find stuff that I really like but I CANNOT find any bedding sets less that $400 that I like!  I can't stand themes (no offense to anyone else.... some are super cute but they're just not my style) so I'm looking for all white bedding that can be used for a boy or girl.  Nothing too frilly like eyelet lace or anything.  The only place I've found it is on and if any of you know anything about that site, it's strictly a dream site for me.  Never in a lifetime would I spend that kind of money.  So, who knows.  I will be using a print from one of my favorite artists in the nursery though.  (  I have a couple to choose from and some of them are gender specific so I'll have to wait to order those.  The colors are bright and I'll accessorize with other stuff to offset the white.  Christian almost has the hoosier cabinet refinished!  That will be our changing station.  So excited about that!  I already have a white dresser from when I was a little girl that we'll use.  So, the only thing we have to buy is a crib!  Awesome!

Also, we have names almost finalized so I'll go ahead and reveal those so I can stake claim!  haha  If it's a girl, the name will be Adele Monroe.  I'm so ridiculously in love with that name.  I think it's gorgeous.  Plus, Adele means "to bring joy or humor".  I love the meaning.  Then, if it's a boy, we have the first name of Maximus but we'll call him Max.  We just haven't picked out a middle name yet.

Well, glad the cat is officially out of the bag now on Facebook.  So, anyone can post anything now.  haha

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!  Alison gets in town tomorrow and then we head down to Pensacola on Friday and Saturday!  Can't wait to see her!!!

Now I have to go feed myself since I'm starving every hour now!  This little jumping bean is growing like crazy!

