Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Hey y'all!

I'm finally back in the Garden State and boy, that name fits this state!  There are tulips and daffodils everywhere, cherry blossoms and dogwoods bursting out, the trees are actually turning green again and it's time to mow our yard!  I'm so excited to be back home and for Spring time.  I think living up here gives you a whole new outlook on the renewal of nature each spring.  Because, up here, it really happens.  I'm from Florida where the trees are pretty much always green and there's almost always some type of flower blooming.  So, I definitely have a newfound appreciation for Spring since moving up here.

Oh, also, you'll never believe it... but... I FOUND MY KEYS that I thought I lost in Italy!!!!!  I got to the airport in Philly yesterday after my flight from Florida and took the shuttle out to the parking lot I used.  Well, that parking lot was right across the street from the parking lot that Mom & I parked in for our Rome trip.  So, I thought "what the heck, I'll run over there and ask if they happened to find any keys" and low and behold, THEY DID!!!  So, I have my extra key now and I don't have to pay the $240 to replace it!  YAYYYYY!

My time in Florida was so much fun and I got to spend some true quality time with those I love.  I stayed w/ my momma and stepdad the whole time and my mom was gracious enough to let me use her car the whole time!  That was awesome and very convenient.  Since I stayed there, I also got to spend time w/ their three wiener dogs, Coco, Fred & Sugar.  They are so sweet and Coco is by buddy.  He's been around the longest and I can really tell he loves me.  :)  He will sit and stare at me sometimes and he'll get up on the couch and climb right in my lap so I don't get up and leave.  He's such a doll.  

I got to rekindle a friendship that had fallen a little bit in the last year and that meant so much to me.  We talked about everything that has happened between us and got everything out on the table so there were no more elephants in the room.  We expressed hurts feelings and explained why each of us did what we did and there was nothing but understanding and honesty.  After all, that's what friendship is all about, right?  It was so refreshing.  

I got to witness my best friend of all time try on wedding dresses for the first time.  She ended up finding a dress that was probably made with her in mind.  She is going to be the most beautiful bride in the whole wide world and I'm so excited to spend that day (and the next year) as her Matron of Honor (even though I hate the word matron- haha).  

I got to meet Ali & Ben's baby boy, Bram, and he's so tiny and perfect and beautiful.  He's amazing and babies are such miracles.

I also got to meet my friend Summer's new baby boy, Grayson.  I saw him through the nursery window the evening after he was born and I got to hold him when he was a day hold.  He's the most precious little thing in the world.  I have to share this picture of him because I can't stop looking at it.  He's amazing and so perfect and I'm so happy for Summer & her husband, Greg.

The other big thing I did while I was home was work on our house that was hit by a tornado.  Construction has begun and everything is on track.  The roof was completed Monday night when I went by there and it looks good.  The color is a bit lighter than I expected so we may have to change the colors of the shutters so it matches better but all in all, it looks good and I'm excited to have it finished!

So, now I'm back home and getting everything ready for Christian's arrival tomorrow!  I'm so beyond excited for him to be back home and I have missed him soooooo bad!  This has been the toughest trip so far for us because there has been so much going on and the communication (Skype, email, phone, etc) has sucked on this trip because he hasn't had much of an internet signal!  So, that has made it tough.  But, only one more day and we're back together!  I'm excited to spend the weekend as just the two of us.  I got tickets for us to go to an NBA playoff game Sunday afternoon between the 76ers and Miami Heat!  I'm super excited to see Lebron James & Dwayne Wade!  I don't know anything about the 76ers but it should be fun!  Today I just have to straighten up the house and make sure everything is good to go so I don't stress all day tomorrow about it.  Luckily, I cleaned the house super well before I left for Florida so there isn't much for me to do in terms of deep cleaning.

I don't think I've updated y'all much on the fertility stuff that has been going on but I'll explain now!  So, I'm now seeing a fertility specialist (reproductive endocrinologist) at South Jersey Fertility Center.  They are the premier fertility docs in the area and I feel like I'm in great hands!  So, my first appointment w/ them was April 4, right before I left for Florida.  They did some extra bloodwork that my OBGYN didn't get to do and everything came back totally normal.  Progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, etc- all normal.  So, that's great.  Then, they scheduled me for an ultrasound and an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram).  I went in for the ultrasound this morning and they checked my uterus, the lining of the uterus and my ovaries.  Everything is super good there too!  My uterus is positioned and sized really well, the lining is of the correct thickness and my ovaries each have about 10 follicles in them which mean I'm producing plenty of eggs!  So, all of that is great news.  Now, we just have to figure out why my eggs and Christian's sperm aren't meeting up.  I have the HSG scheduled for Friday morning and that should show if there are any blockages in my fallopian tubes.  If there is a blockage, the HSG procedure can sometimes clear it right on the spot.  If the blockage is more serious, they'll have to do surgery to repair it.  If the tubes are clear, that's when we make the decision to try Clomid, insemination or wait a few more months.  So, we'll talk about that when and if the time comes.  I have a really great feeling about everything at this point because I can see a clear path now.  Before the testing began, I was a little frazzled because I didn't know the steps and processes of this whole thing.  So, now I feel much better.  :)

That's about all the news I have for now.  Christian and I are home for two weeks and then we're heading down to Key West for a few days to vacation with some friends and family.  I'm so excited about that trip and can't wait to experience the Keys!

Take care everyone and have a great week!!



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