Monday, April 11, 2011

Update from the Sunshine State

Hey y'all!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  But, it's Monday now and I know most of you are counting down the days 'til Friday!  Hopefully the week goes by fast for y'all! 

So, I'm in Florida and I'm having a great time!  The weather has been nice-ish besides a little wierd fog here and there that has ruined a couple beach days but other than that, it's nice and warm.  And, I'll tell you one thing, this New Jersey girl is NOT used to the heat.  I'm sweating my rear end off anytime the temp is over 75!  But, I'm enjoying it. 

I've been to the beach three different days and each time, this strange fog rolls in and ruins the chance of getting a good tan.  So, I'm going to try it again tomorrow.  So far, I've spent time w/ my cousin Ali and her new baby boy, Bram.  He's so precious and perfect!  Ali picked me up from the airport last Wednesday and I spent time with her and my Aunt Janet and then we went to Boo's book signing that afternoon.  My dad met us up at Barnes & Noble and he and I were able to then head over to our tornado-ravaged house to meet with the contractor and get all the work started.  The permits will be pulled this week and we'll get everything started ASAP.  I'm hoping it goes by quickly and easily.  So, all of that was Wednesday.  Thursday was a beach day.  That morning, though, I went to see my Grandma Anna who just had knee surgery.  I hung out with her for a little bit and then headed out to the beach to go for a run.  The sun was shining beautifully the whole time I was running but about 10 minutes after I changed into my swimsuit, the clouds rolled in and it got chilly!  So, I headed back home.  Thursday night, I went to dinner w/ a few friends and that was fun.  It was good to see everyone. 

I was able to go the gym on base Friday morning and then I had lunch with some girlfriends and then dinner w/ my dad & stepmom @ McGuires (one my favorite restaurants here!).  Then, I got to spend the night with my best friend, Alison and we layed in bed for about 2 hours just talking before we finally fell asleep.  It was nice to be around a best friend!!!  Saturday, Alison & I planned a beach day.  So, we had lunch @ Peg Leg's (another of my fav restaurants) and layed out for a little while before the fog rolled in that afternoon.  We watched some live music at the Sandshaker and then headed home.  That night, I was asleep by 8 pm!  I guess I wasn't used to how the sun can wear you out! 

Sunday, I went to brunch w/ my mom, my brother, Alison & her mom.  It was yummy and so was the bottomless champagne!  Brunch was followed by live music @ Paradise.  I love that place!  It's so much fun!  Then, Mom & I headed back home and I got to go see my friend Summer's new addition!  Baby Grayson made his arrival yesterday and he is so precious!!!  Unfortunately, he was in the nursery when Laura and I got there but we still go to see him when the nurse pushed him towards the window.  And, I went back to visit today and got to hold him!!  Gosh, babies are amazing little miracles.  After the visit last night, I went back to my friend Laura's and we had some good chats and good chinese food!  haha 

Today, I had to go cut the grass at our house down here.  That is NOT a fun job and NOT a normal yard.  I only finished the front yard today but I'll get to the rest of it later this week.  Then, I went and got a pedicure w/ an old work friend, Rachael and then, like I mentioned, went to see Baby Grayson & Summer again.  :)

I have a few more things planned for the trip so I'm definitely keeping busy and it's making the time go by very fast!  Christian and I only have a week and a half before we're back together!  I can't wait to see him and hug him and kiss him!  We haven't been able to talk as much on this trip as we did on previous ones.  So, that has been tough.  I miss having my best friend to talk to everyday.  And, when we do talk, there's so much I want to tell him but I forget half of it while I'm on the phone.  So, email is how we do the majority of our communication.  Once he gets back, we're going to Maryland for a couple days and then the first week in May, we're taking a four-day vacation to Key West!  I can't wait to spend that time with my honey!!!  Christian's brother & sister-in-law and another couple, Ron & Ashley, are going with us.  It will be a great trip.

Once I get back up to NJ, I have to have more testing done at the fertility doc.  I've had all of my bloodwork completed and confirmed that all levels are normal.  So, I have two more tests to go through during the first week I'm back home- an HSG which tests to see if my fallopian tubes are blocked and then an ultrasound to check for proper follicular growth.  Hopefully those tell us something because if they don't, things will be a lot more invasive if we continue to pursue this stuff.  So, please keep us in your prayers for that.  All these babies I've been around lately just bring the little happy tears to my eyes and I can't wait to have the feeling that my friends and family are having.  So blessed.  I know it will happen and I'm putting it all in the hands of whoever makes the decisions for the world.  :)   

Anyway, I hope all of you have a great Monday night!  Love y'all!



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