Monday, May 9, 2011

I've been slackin'!!!

Wow, it's been a while, right?!  Sorry for the lapse in posts but I've been a busy girl!

Last time I posted, I had just gotten home from my trip to Pensacola.  So much has gone on since then so this will be a lengthy post!  So, go ahead, get comfy, kick your feet up, and enjoy!

First topic I'll cover is just general stuff in the life of the Jenkins.  Like I said, I've been busy!  So, since I got home from Florida, Christian came home from Italy!  It was the longest we've been apart so far and it was a tough one.  But, I'm so glad to have my man back and we've been having a lot of fun!  He got back Friday, April 22.  That was Easter weekend and we celebrated Easter by going to a 76ers vs. Miami Heat game here in Philly!  It was my first NBA game and it was a playoff game!  We had a lot of fun and it was pretty cool to see that kind of thing.  The weather has been beautiful lately up here so we've been spending a lot of time outside, walking into town, working in the yard, refinishing antiques, etc.  The next weekend was kicked off by the royal wedding!  Yes, I was one of those people who woke up at 4:30 a.m. to watch a moment in history!  I overheard several people snubbing folks who woke up early for the wedding but I figure it's a historical event that I want to be able to tell my grandchildren about one day.  And, since I woke up early, I'll be able to tell them that I even saw it live (not in some way-to-easily-viewed rerun on the news)!  The wedding was fabulous and I loved every minute of it.  I think Kate is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.  She's so classy and timeless!  And, her DRESS!  I LOVED it!  Soooo similar to Grace Kelly's dress when she married it Prince of Monaco.  They both seem so happy and so much more laid back than Charles & Diana did.

Like I'm sure many people did, I took a nap later that day because I am NOT used to waking up so early! Also, that evening, we had Christian's brother & his wife coming into town from Maryland to stay the weekend with us.  Saturday, we all went to Mullica Hill, NJ to a Spring Outdoor Antique Fair.  It was a lot of fun and we got a few great deals!  Jessie & Lori bought a pretty little cabinet there and I got a few pieces of milk glass to add to my growing collection!  I'm up to about 20 pieces now!  Love it!  Then, we headed back towards our house and stopped at our usual antique store and ended up finding a great Hoosier cabinet and got a fantastic deal on it!  I've wanted one for a while and I'm so happy we came home with it! The whole reason I want one is to use in a nursery one day.  I remember my Aunt Janet always had one in Thomas & Nicole's room and I loved how convenient and perfect it is for storage and a changing area!  So, hopefully we'll be using it for that purpose soon!

The rest of the weekend was pretty low-key.  Sunday evening, we all (Christian, me, Lori & Jessie) drove down to Baltimore, MD because we had an early flight Monday morning for Ft. Lauderdale!  We went to the Baltimore Aquarium and had dinner at the Inner Harbor before heading to our hotel.  Ron & Ashley met us all in Baltimore that night and then Monday morning we were off to the airport and bound for Florida!  Monday morning is also when Christian and I first heard of the news about Osama Bin Laden being killed.  I will give more thought to this later in this post.

So, Monday mid-day, we made it to Ft. Lauderdale and hopped in the rental car for the three hour drive to Key West!  The drive is a must-do for people who like to site-see!  It's a beautiful drive and there are great shops and restaurants along the way!  So, if you're thinking about heading down there, fly into either Miami or Ft. Lauderdale and rent a car!  Plus, flights are cheaper into those airports.  :)

We got down to Key West around 4 p.m. Monday afternoon.  We had a nice condo with a great balcony, pool, and view!  We made a quick run to the grocery store to stock up on food and liquor before venturing out for our first dinner in Key West.  That night we went to a place called "Duffy's".  It's a cute little place with good food!  It was casual and pretty chill since it was a Monday night.  Then, we walked down Duval Street for a while and took in some nightlife.  Tuesday was just a lazy day around the condo and pool.  Then, that night for dinner we went to a place called "Grand Cafe Key West" and I LOVED that place!!!  It's in an old victorian home on Duval Street and they have all kinds of outdoor seating and pretty good service.  The food was amazing and they had a great wine list too!  Yummo!  Food and great atmosphere= perfection!  We ate dinner early enough for us to catch the sunset celebration in Mallory Square that night and it was awesome!  Street performers were making their money and the sunset was breathtaking!  I think I fell in love with Key West sometime around 6 p.m. that evening.  After the sunset, we walked Duval a little more, did some shopping and then got a few drinks at the Lazy Gecko.  We had so much fun!  Then, we took it back to the condo to have a few beers on the balcony.  The next day, Christian, me, Ron & Ashley went on an "ultimate adventure" which consisted of a whole day of snorkeling, jet-skis, kayaking, parasailing and time on this floating adventure island.  It was sooooo much fun.  Well, except for the small amount of time when I was seasick.  Ugh.  That was pretty awful.  But, I overcame it thanks to some helpful folks on the boat with us and my hubby.  We had so much fun that day and got a great tan!  Jessie & Lori did a glass bottom boat ride while we were gone on our trip and they said that was neat too.  That night we went to a place called Schooner's Wharf for dinner and it's a great place too!!  Super casual place with all outdoor seating and a great band.  It was fantastic.  Then, the next day was our last day.  We flew out of Ft. Lauderdale Thursday evening around 6:00.  I DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE KEY WEST!  As I mentioned, I fell in love.  As many of you know, New Orleans is my absolute favorite place on earth but Key West comes in as a very close second.  It lived up to the name of "The tropical New Orleans".  Ahhh, man, I miss it so much again now that I'm thinking about it.

So, we got back home late Thursday night and then this past weekend was here!  Christian went to work Friday and then we went to a First Friday celebration in Haddonfield.  It's kind of like the Gallery Night that Pensacola has.  We met my friend Paige and her boyfriend, Chad, down there for dessert.  So, that was a good time.  Saturday began the refinishing work on our new Hoosier cabinet.  We worked on it all day!  It's coming along now but it's a LOT of work!  It's much harder than the vanity and hope chest that we just refinished.  Saturday night, we went into Philly for dinner w/ Shirley & John.  We went to Buddakan and it was really good!  It's a famous restaurant here that's kind of like a family style asian fusion place.  Then, yesterday (Sunday) was spent mostly on the cabinet again.  We took a break to go to the driving range to hit some balls and stopped by another antique store that our neighbor told us about.  Then, it was back to real life today.  Christian went back to work and I went back to housekeeping and taking care of everything in our lives!

Our house down in Florida is just about finished so we're now looking for new renters since the storm made us lose our last renters.  We have a realtor who is going to do tenant placement for us so hopefully we'll find good renters again!

So, that kind of catches you up on the day-to-day happenings in our lives.  Christian leaves again this Friday for a couple days so I have the weekend to myself.  One of my favorite artists ( is having a trunk show in Maryland this weekend so I'm thinking about taking a drive down.  Maybe, maybe not.

OK- so, let me address this whole Bin Laden thing.  Wow, what shocking news.  Christian and I are old fogies so we were already in bed by 9:30 Sunday night and didn't hear the live address that Obama gave.  I wish i would have been awake though!  Oh well.  So, we both woke up around 5 a.m. Monday to get ready for our flight and saw the news on our phones.  I get MSNBC & CNN news alerts on my phone so that was the first thing I saw then i saw the texts from my mom.  So, we turned on the news and watched everything unfold from that point.  It was a very interesting night for America.  I, like many other people, had mixed feelings when I heard the news and saw the footage of Americans celebrating.  When I originally heard the news, my first thought was "about damn time!".  Then, when more and more footage of Americans in D.C. and NYC jumping up and down celebrating, I was a little more lost for words.  As Christian and I were getting ready that morning, I told him "Don't you find it a little upsetting and hypocritical that we're (Americans) jumping around and celebrating this man's death and laughing and smiling and cheering?  I say that because al Qaeda did the same thing when Americans were killed and we HATED them for it!  Am I glad he is no longer on this earth, abso-freakin-lutely.  But, do I want to rejoice in his death, no... he's not worth it.  So, I was just a little taken a back.  Maybe it's just my hippy mentality and the fact that I just want everyone to get along but I was a little weirded out.  One of my Facebook friends posted this quote that day on her wall and it just fit my feelings so well.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.  Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness in a night already devoid of stars.  Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."- MLK Jr.

I will say that I do have patriotic feelings and I think what OBL did was despicable but I still don't think we should be engaging in those kinds of actions that we've hated so much in the past.  So anyway, enough with that stuff.

Ummm.... what else....  Oh yeah, I'll update you guys on the baby makin' news.  Since I wrote my last post, I've gotten some more information and had more tests done.  I had an ultrasound of my ovaries and everything looked great there and I'm producing enough eggs and follicles.  Then, I had an HSG (hysterosalpingogram).  That is the test that shoots dye into your fallopian tubes to see if there are any blockages.  Well, no blockages were found but they did find two polyps in my uterus.  So, I went home after that test and the following week, I had a follow-up appointment with one of the doctors at that clinic.  He said there isn't any hard evidence that these polyps can cause infertility but the pregnancy rates in some women often gets substantially higher after having them removed.  So, Christian and I left that appointment, went to lunch and talked about our options.  We decided to see what happened this month and then have the surgery to remove the polyps.  So, the surgery is scheduled for May 18th and it's a quick outpatient procedure that Christian will be there for.  That appointment is, of course, tentative based on the fact that I could be pregnant.  We'll find that out this weekend.  Who knows!  So, if I'm not pregnant, I'll have the procedure done and then we'll try for a few months before moving onto the medications and IUI.  Keep on sending good baby vibes our way so we don't need to go that route!  ;)  I will say this has been a very interesting journey.  I've learned more about my body than I ever would have if I would have just gotten pregnant quickly.  I'm also a LOT less stressed about this whole thing now than I was about 9 months ago.  It's weird.  I guess the fact that I'm a control freak sometimes just got the best of me when we started trying.  But, once all the testing started, I think I saw somewhat of a path and light at the end of the tunnel so now I'm just kind of la-dee-da about it- which is awesome.

Well, I think that's about all I have for now.  See, that wasn't too bad now was it!?  Hope y'all have a great week!



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