Thursday, March 10, 2011

When it rains, it pours.... and apparently rips roofs off.

Well, many of you have already heard about our fun-filled day yesterday.  Let me start from the beginning because it really wasn't all bad!

Christian, of course, had to work yesterday (after one of his lab appointments that I'll discuss a little later).  But, I spent the day in New York City with Vicki and she and I got to see the Dr. Oz Show! I met her at the train station around 8:30 and we got into NYC around 10:45-ish.  We had to hop on a couple different lines to get to where we needed to go.... not to mention the fact that we got on the wrong train to begin with.  Oy...  anyway, then we met up with her sister to see her fancy new workplace in the city and the three of us then had lunch in Soho.  It was really nice and a fantastic lunch full of smoked salmon quesadillas.  However, right as I was about to take my first bite, my phone rang.  It was Morgan, our tenant from our house in Florida.  I ALMOST didn't answer but something made me answer and she told me the bad news.  The roof of our house had been ripped off by the line of storms that came through yesterday morning.  Needless to say, my stomach sank.  She hadn't actually seen the house at that point but was on her way home after a neighbor called to tell her the news.  So, I'll admit, I freaked out a tad bit because I really had no clue what to do.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to get in touch with Christian for at least an hour or so b/c he was in the air.  Then, I realized I didn't even know the name of the insurance company we just switched to.  BUT, luckily, our friend Jason wrote the policy for us and I was able to get in touch w/ him after stalking him for a few minutes.  haha  He was able to go over to our house and check things out.  I also talked to my dad who told me what to do and how to handle everything and who to call to make sure the house got patched up to avoid any more damage.  Dad also went to the house to check on everything.  So, from what I'm told, our house has one of those dreadful "Hurricane Ivan" blue tarps on it now.  :(  Pictures of the can be seen on Facebook.

Meanwhile, lunch was over and Vicki and I hopped in a cab to head up to Rockefeller Center where the taping would take place.  As I mentioned in one of my last posts, Vicki volunteered us to participate in the show somehow.  Well, they typically only take participants over 30 so I didn't get to join in all the fun.  But, she did!  She was in a segment of the show where she had to guess which food Dr. Oz was describing.  It was pretty funny.  Plus, she got full hair and makeup and her own little dressing room while I had to spend about an hour and a half lolly gaggin' around 30 Rock!  haha  I was so excited for her!  Then, it came time for me to line up to go into the studio for taping.  I was the fourth person in line and got a FRONT row seat!  So, I'll let you guys know when it's supposed to air so you can look for me!  :)  It was a lot of fun.  It was a bit tough for me to focus on everything just because of what was going on with the house situation and the fact that I couldn't touch my phone throughout the taping of the phone.  I was pretty worried about everything.  But, luckily by that time, Christian was already finished flying and able to take calls and handle everything.  I think we made a pretty good team yesterday!

After the show wrapped up, we ventured over to "Restaurant Row" and had dinner at Becco.  It's an AWESOME italian place w/ a wine list of ONLY $25 bottles of wine.  LOVE IT!  Especially since finding a decent bottle of wine at a restaurant for that price is insanely hard to do, especially in NYC & Philly.  So, dinner was amazing and then we started our journey home.  I didn't get back home until about 11:30 and I was DEAD tired!  I was also sick all day w/ a sore throat and just a not-so-great feeling.  But, I made it through the day and had a lot of fun but was also a little frantic.

 So, today has definitely been a little more low-key.  We've started the claim and the adjuster went over today and we should hear from him tomorrow.  My brother was there when the adjuster came by which was nice b/c Adam's the superintendent for the builder that built our house so that makes things pretty convenient.  Now, we're just waiting to see what the outcome will be and hopefully we can get the ball rolling on getting the house rebuilt.  I hate that I can't be there to be more involved but I'm SOOOOO happy that we have family and friends that are willing to help out.  That means so much!  So, THANKS dad, John, Adam & Jason!  Love y'all!

Christian leaves Sunday for his 40 day detachment so that means I'll be dealing w/ all the house stuff for the next several weeks.  I can do it!  I can do it!  ;)

Today is the day we find out the results of Christian's initial testing.  I'm a little anxious and my stomach will definitely be in knots while we're waiting in the doc's office.  So, I'll have news later tonight.  Hoping and praying for good news.

Anyway, I hope everyone else down in Pcola faired well yesterday w/ the storms!  Have a great weekend coming up!



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