Saturday, March 19, 2011

Really trying to think of a clever title... it ain't workin'

Soooo, I think weekends are more boring for me than any other time.  I don't know what it is but I love my weekdays.  I think I like that everything is less crowded.  During the week, I guess I feel like I'm getting something that other people can't get.... like a treadmill at the gym (I can NEVER get one on the weekends) or a Starbucks with no line.  So, I'm ready for Monday.  Blah.

But, I'm trying to make the most of this weekend.  Last night I had dinner and drinks w/ my new friend, Paige!  She's also in Junior League and she actually lives over here in Jersey.  We had a great time and enjoyed yesterday's great weather by sitting on the restaurant's patio for a few hours.  It was fun!  It was also really nice to add a new friend to the mix.  She's from Texas so we have that southern thing in common, which is pretty neat.  Then, this morning I had to have some blood work done and then went to a Junior League event about Spring planting.  It was pretty interesting and I learned a lot about growing your own herbs, which I would love to do one day.  Then, I came back over to Jersey and walked around Haddonfield and did a little shopping.  I got a cute little leather passport cover so I can actually tell which passport I'm pulling out when Christian and I travel together.  Then, I went to Old Navy and got some GREAT deals on workout clothes- three tops and two sports bras for about $45!  Not too shabby!

Now, I'm back at the house trying to decide what to do now.  I've already cleaned the upstairs a little because, frankly, I've let everything just stay where ever it landed for the past week or so... so, clothes were ALL over our bedroom and the guest bedroom where my closet it.  I then rearranged my closet to have my spring clothes more accessible.  I keep the house super clean when Christian's here so it's kind of like a vacation I put myself on when he leaves.  haha  But, eventually, it annoys the shit out of me and I finally clean.

Then, I got to talk to Christian for a little bit on FaceTime which was awesome.  I miss him really bad today (and everyday).  Some days are worse than others.  33 days left...

I'm so ready for Mom to get up here!  She can keep me company and of course, we're leaving in a week from today!!!  I really need to get on the ball with reading some of these books I have about Rome.  But, we'll probably end up 'winging it' anyway.  That's always the best way to do things, I think.

I mentioned earlier that I had to have some blood work done this morning so let me update you guys on that stuff.  So, I went to the doctor this past Wednesday and I REALLY like him!  He's really laid back, very easy to talk to and he seems like he's one of those doctors who really cares and doesn't just shove medicine down your throat at every opportunity.  That's great for me because I absolutely HATE taking medicine.  But, that's kind of a moot point b/c I don't need medicine... right now.  So, anyway.... after my annual exam, we talked about the fertility issues and he asked how aggressive I wanted to be with everything.  So, I told him what we've done so far and what we know from testing, etc.  I then asked him what he would do if he was me.  He said he'd go a little more aggressive since we've ruled out the basic things like Christian's stuff and my ovulation/cycles.  So, he had me do some blood work that day at the office to check my progesterone levels and he also did a cervical culture.  Progesterone is a hormone that would allow me to "hold onto" a pregnancy and the cervical culture is to check for any kind of bacteria that could limit my fertility.  Then, he ordered more blood work to be done on the third day of my cycle (today) to test testosterone, FSH, thyroid stuff, etc, etc.  Apparently, if my FSH levels are too high today, that means that I have a reduction in quality as well as quantity of eggs.  So, those test results should all be ready by the middle of the week and I'll know what next step to take.  Dr. Tucker said if everything with the blood work and cervical culture is normal, then he wants me to see a fertility specialist.  He gave me the names of three specialists around here that he refers women to.  So, at this point, we're just waiting.

So, other than all of that jazz, I'm just killin' time as best I can.  Here are some pictures of the furniture I'm refinishing and some of the early signs of spring in our yard!

My red hope chest and
light yellow vanity before! 
The vanity after my wonderful
hubby sanded it all down for me

The hope chest after it was stripped
and sanded

The vanity all finished!  It's an off-white
and I have ADORABLE drawer pulls
that I have to put on

The hope chest after the first coat of stain

Pretty little purple flowers in our front yard

One of the hydrangea bushes right
outside our kitchen window!
Starting to sprout!!


So, that's about it!  Hope y'all are having a good weekend!



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