Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today I was able to spend time with one a of the greatest friends I've had.  Christina is one of my best friends who lives in Virginia Beach w/ her husband, Chad, and six-year-old son, Brady.  Well, that whole clan was visiting Chad's parent's in northern New Jersey this week and I got the pleasure of catching them on their way down I-295 while they were heading back to VA Beach today.  They stopped off an had lunch with me.  It was such a treat!

Christina and I met about three years ago and she's always been a bundle of energy and a free spirit.  She cracks me up and is a little inappropriate at times and I love that about her.  (she's probably reading this too) We've been friends throughout the three years but we really got close when she moved to VA Beach and I moved up here to Philly.  We kind of just understood each other's situation and realize how important friendship really is when you're far away from home.  I visited her in VA Beach about a month after I moved up here and then she came to visit me a few months later.  We talk about once a week and vent our troubles to each other.  It's the kind of friendship that you really can rely on.  I know I'm never bothering her when I call and if I am, she'll tell me.  And same goes for when she calls me.

But, as I said, today was a real treat.  I've had a less than stellar week this week and it was so refreshing to see a familiar face for an hour today to vent everything to.  And I'm sure she felt the same because we each did our fair share of bitching!  haha  Christian called me right after I saw Christina and he asked how I was doing today (because he knows I've had a rough week) and I started crying when I said "seeing Christina made it a lot  better".  That really proves how important really great friendship is, especially when you're going through some rough patches or when you're lonely while you're husband's gone for over a month and you're missing him like crazy, or when situations just aren't going the way you'd hoped.  It's so important.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I've always cherished my really close friendships... always.  But, moving away and not having those friends within a 10 or 20 minute drive makes you realize how important the really good people in your life are.

So, to those other super close friends of mine that fit this mold- I love you and you are few and far between!

To Alison:  my soul sister, my best friend for life (24 years so far) and the person that would sit on the fireplace steps when I left Little Beaus and Bells before you.... you're my rock.  You always make things better and even if we didn't see each other for ten years, I know we'd come right back to the place where we could lay in bed and talk until 4 o'clock in the morning.  I love you.

To Laura:  my no bullshit sister.  You are amazing.  The lack of sugar coating in your life is what I love. Your honesty in our friendship has meant more to me than you will ever know.  When my hair looks like shit, I know you'll tell me.  When my outfit is way out there, I know you'll ask "what the hell are you thinking" and when there's a point in life when I need to buck up and deal with things, I know you'll say "buck up and deal with it".  And then, there's the compassion that you have and the peaceful way you listen to my stories.  You've been by my side through so much as we've grown to adulthood and you've never allowed our friendship to falter when it easily could have.  I love you!



Saturday, March 19, 2011

Really trying to think of a clever title... it ain't workin'

Soooo, I think weekends are more boring for me than any other time.  I don't know what it is but I love my weekdays.  I think I like that everything is less crowded.  During the week, I guess I feel like I'm getting something that other people can't get.... like a treadmill at the gym (I can NEVER get one on the weekends) or a Starbucks with no line.  So, I'm ready for Monday.  Blah.

But, I'm trying to make the most of this weekend.  Last night I had dinner and drinks w/ my new friend, Paige!  She's also in Junior League and she actually lives over here in Jersey.  We had a great time and enjoyed yesterday's great weather by sitting on the restaurant's patio for a few hours.  It was fun!  It was also really nice to add a new friend to the mix.  She's from Texas so we have that southern thing in common, which is pretty neat.  Then, this morning I had to have some blood work done and then went to a Junior League event about Spring planting.  It was pretty interesting and I learned a lot about growing your own herbs, which I would love to do one day.  Then, I came back over to Jersey and walked around Haddonfield and did a little shopping.  I got a cute little leather passport cover so I can actually tell which passport I'm pulling out when Christian and I travel together.  Then, I went to Old Navy and got some GREAT deals on workout clothes- three tops and two sports bras for about $45!  Not too shabby!

Now, I'm back at the house trying to decide what to do now.  I've already cleaned the upstairs a little because, frankly, I've let everything just stay where ever it landed for the past week or so... so, clothes were ALL over our bedroom and the guest bedroom where my closet it.  I then rearranged my closet to have my spring clothes more accessible.  I keep the house super clean when Christian's here so it's kind of like a vacation I put myself on when he leaves.  haha  But, eventually, it annoys the shit out of me and I finally clean.

Then, I got to talk to Christian for a little bit on FaceTime which was awesome.  I miss him really bad today (and everyday).  Some days are worse than others.  33 days left...

I'm so ready for Mom to get up here!  She can keep me company and of course, we're leaving in a week from today!!!  I really need to get on the ball with reading some of these books I have about Rome.  But, we'll probably end up 'winging it' anyway.  That's always the best way to do things, I think.

I mentioned earlier that I had to have some blood work done this morning so let me update you guys on that stuff.  So, I went to the doctor this past Wednesday and I REALLY like him!  He's really laid back, very easy to talk to and he seems like he's one of those doctors who really cares and doesn't just shove medicine down your throat at every opportunity.  That's great for me because I absolutely HATE taking medicine.  But, that's kind of a moot point b/c I don't need medicine... right now.  So, anyway.... after my annual exam, we talked about the fertility issues and he asked how aggressive I wanted to be with everything.  So, I told him what we've done so far and what we know from testing, etc.  I then asked him what he would do if he was me.  He said he'd go a little more aggressive since we've ruled out the basic things like Christian's stuff and my ovulation/cycles.  So, he had me do some blood work that day at the office to check my progesterone levels and he also did a cervical culture.  Progesterone is a hormone that would allow me to "hold onto" a pregnancy and the cervical culture is to check for any kind of bacteria that could limit my fertility.  Then, he ordered more blood work to be done on the third day of my cycle (today) to test testosterone, FSH, thyroid stuff, etc, etc.  Apparently, if my FSH levels are too high today, that means that I have a reduction in quality as well as quantity of eggs.  So, those test results should all be ready by the middle of the week and I'll know what next step to take.  Dr. Tucker said if everything with the blood work and cervical culture is normal, then he wants me to see a fertility specialist.  He gave me the names of three specialists around here that he refers women to.  So, at this point, we're just waiting.

So, other than all of that jazz, I'm just killin' time as best I can.  Here are some pictures of the furniture I'm refinishing and some of the early signs of spring in our yard!

My red hope chest and
light yellow vanity before! 
The vanity after my wonderful
hubby sanded it all down for me

The hope chest after it was stripped
and sanded

The vanity all finished!  It's an off-white
and I have ADORABLE drawer pulls
that I have to put on

The hope chest after the first coat of stain

Pretty little purple flowers in our front yard

One of the hydrangea bushes right
outside our kitchen window!
Starting to sprout!!


So, that's about it!  Hope y'all are having a good weekend!



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Three days down, 37 to go.

That's right folks, we only have 37 days to go until Christian gets back home.  It seems like forever but it also seems like he'll be home in no time!  I'm definitely keeping myself busy while he's gone.  I've been on the go this week with meetings for Junior League, getting back into the gym after having a cold, refinishing furniture, doc appointment, etc.  Then, next week is really busy w/ an orthodontist consult (thinking about getting invisiline on my bottom teeth since I never wore my retainer), another laser hair removal appointment (ouch), a Girls Night Out in Haddonfield, NJ w/ some girlfriends and then my momma gets here next Friday!!  THEN, we leave next Saturday for Rome!  I can't believe it's that close!  So excited.  We'll be in Rome for five nights and then we come back to Philly on the 31st (straight flight, thank God).  Then, April 6th, I go to Florida for two weeks!  YAY!  I'm pretty excited to go home and see friends and family.  But, I also have to deal w/ all the crap for our house down there.  That, my friends, I am not excited about.

We still haven't heard what the amount will be from the insurance company, even though I've called every day this week so far.  So, I'm anxiously awaiting that so we can start all the reconstruction.  We've had a couple general contractors go over to do bids so I'm waiting to hear what their estimates are as well.  Mind you, I've NEVER handled any insurance claim and my husband is out of the country.  Super.  Oh well, I know I can handle it.  Plus, family has been super helpful so far.  I think my dad's been at the house just about every day since the tornado hit.

I'll be going to my friend Lauren's wedding while I'm home and my friend Summer is having her baby while I'm home too!  What a great trip of new beginnings for my friends!  I also am super excited to meet Ali & Ben's bundle of joy, Bram!  He's so perfect and I can't wait to get my hands on him!  Then, once I get back, Christian will be home two days later!  See, those 37 days don't sound so bad after all!  :)

Other than the stuff I mentioned in the first paragraph, nothing much has been going on up here.  We're finally supposed to get some warmer weather tomorrow and Friday!  I'm really excited about that.  I have some tulips and daffodils popping up in the front yard and I can't wait for them to bloom!  My hydrangea bushes have blooms all over and I'm just waiting for those to unravel.  Then, we have a whole patch of peonies in the back yard that will bloom later in the year.  That's amazing!  Now, I don't have to buy fresh flowers every week (I try to keep them in the house all the time b/c I love the feeling they give)... I can pick them from my own yard!  I LOVE IT!  The farmers markets and nurseries will be opening April 1st and May 1st and there are so many around us!  The festivals in our town and the other cute little towns around us are starting to advertise.  Man, I love springtime up here.  It's actually a season rather than a month-long period before ridiculous heat like I'm used to in Florida!  Plus, there's SO much to do up here in the spring and summer.  So, if anyone is interested in visiting, we have room!  We'd love to have friends/family up.... only Mom & Adam have made the trip so far.  I can tell who really loves us... haha just kidding.  ;-)

Anyway, I know my last post ended with some info about our fertility testing.  Well, we got result for Christian and he's pretty much perfect!  THANK GOD!  IF anything is wrong, I would much rather it be with me than with him.  I know I can handle if something is wrong with me but man, it would rip my heart apart if he had to go through anything.  So, definitely glad about that.  But, that also means that the testing continues.  But, now it's on my end.  I have an appointment this afternoon to meet with a new OBGYN up here who deals with fertility issues.  The doc we met with last week that did the testing for Christian suggested I go through some initial testing while Christian is gone... which totally makes sense.  The only tough thing is that I'm gone pretty much the whole time he's gone (except this week and next).  So, hopefully they'll be able to get me in for certain things while I'm here.  Fingers crossed!  It's to the point where I just want to know what the hell is going on b/c everything from the surface looks pretty much perfect (my cycles, his numbers, etc).  But, luckily, I'm not stressing about it.  I'm more curious than anything.  Do I think about it?  Sure, all the time.  But, I definitely don't let my mind go all doom and gloom.  I'm the eternal optimist here.  IT WILL HAPPEN!  ;-)

Well, crap, I just realized what time it was and now I need to go hop in the shower.  I have a whole list of things written down that I wanted to blog about.  I'll get to those later this week.  Love y'all!!



Thursday, March 10, 2011

When it rains, it pours.... and apparently rips roofs off.

Well, many of you have already heard about our fun-filled day yesterday.  Let me start from the beginning because it really wasn't all bad!

Christian, of course, had to work yesterday (after one of his lab appointments that I'll discuss a little later).  But, I spent the day in New York City with Vicki and she and I got to see the Dr. Oz Show! I met her at the train station around 8:30 and we got into NYC around 10:45-ish.  We had to hop on a couple different lines to get to where we needed to go.... not to mention the fact that we got on the wrong train to begin with.  Oy...  anyway, then we met up with her sister to see her fancy new workplace in the city and the three of us then had lunch in Soho.  It was really nice and a fantastic lunch full of smoked salmon quesadillas.  However, right as I was about to take my first bite, my phone rang.  It was Morgan, our tenant from our house in Florida.  I ALMOST didn't answer but something made me answer and she told me the bad news.  The roof of our house had been ripped off by the line of storms that came through yesterday morning.  Needless to say, my stomach sank.  She hadn't actually seen the house at that point but was on her way home after a neighbor called to tell her the news.  So, I'll admit, I freaked out a tad bit because I really had no clue what to do.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to get in touch with Christian for at least an hour or so b/c he was in the air.  Then, I realized I didn't even know the name of the insurance company we just switched to.  BUT, luckily, our friend Jason wrote the policy for us and I was able to get in touch w/ him after stalking him for a few minutes.  haha  He was able to go over to our house and check things out.  I also talked to my dad who told me what to do and how to handle everything and who to call to make sure the house got patched up to avoid any more damage.  Dad also went to the house to check on everything.  So, from what I'm told, our house has one of those dreadful "Hurricane Ivan" blue tarps on it now.  :(  Pictures of the can be seen on Facebook.

Meanwhile, lunch was over and Vicki and I hopped in a cab to head up to Rockefeller Center where the taping would take place.  As I mentioned in one of my last posts, Vicki volunteered us to participate in the show somehow.  Well, they typically only take participants over 30 so I didn't get to join in all the fun.  But, she did!  She was in a segment of the show where she had to guess which food Dr. Oz was describing.  It was pretty funny.  Plus, she got full hair and makeup and her own little dressing room while I had to spend about an hour and a half lolly gaggin' around 30 Rock!  haha  I was so excited for her!  Then, it came time for me to line up to go into the studio for taping.  I was the fourth person in line and got a FRONT row seat!  So, I'll let you guys know when it's supposed to air so you can look for me!  :)  It was a lot of fun.  It was a bit tough for me to focus on everything just because of what was going on with the house situation and the fact that I couldn't touch my phone throughout the taping of the phone.  I was pretty worried about everything.  But, luckily by that time, Christian was already finished flying and able to take calls and handle everything.  I think we made a pretty good team yesterday!

After the show wrapped up, we ventured over to "Restaurant Row" and had dinner at Becco.  It's an AWESOME italian place w/ a wine list of ONLY $25 bottles of wine.  LOVE IT!  Especially since finding a decent bottle of wine at a restaurant for that price is insanely hard to do, especially in NYC & Philly.  So, dinner was amazing and then we started our journey home.  I didn't get back home until about 11:30 and I was DEAD tired!  I was also sick all day w/ a sore throat and just a not-so-great feeling.  But, I made it through the day and had a lot of fun but was also a little frantic.

 So, today has definitely been a little more low-key.  We've started the claim and the adjuster went over today and we should hear from him tomorrow.  My brother was there when the adjuster came by which was nice b/c Adam's the superintendent for the builder that built our house so that makes things pretty convenient.  Now, we're just waiting to see what the outcome will be and hopefully we can get the ball rolling on getting the house rebuilt.  I hate that I can't be there to be more involved but I'm SOOOOO happy that we have family and friends that are willing to help out.  That means so much!  So, THANKS dad, John, Adam & Jason!  Love y'all!

Christian leaves Sunday for his 40 day detachment so that means I'll be dealing w/ all the house stuff for the next several weeks.  I can do it!  I can do it!  ;)

Today is the day we find out the results of Christian's initial testing.  I'm a little anxious and my stomach will definitely be in knots while we're waiting in the doc's office.  So, I'll have news later tonight.  Hoping and praying for good news.

Anyway, I hope everyone else down in Pcola faired well yesterday w/ the storms!  Have a great weekend coming up!



Saturday, March 5, 2011

Back on dry land but my body's still swaying in the seas.

Yes, we made it back from our cruise to the Bahamas. I'm currently sitting on the couch in a securely grounded house but I still feel like I'm on the rocking ship. Ugh... Not fun. But, never the less, we did the trip and we can safely say we will never go on another cruise. We're simply not the cruisin' kind. We got bored and tired of mediocre food and cheesy onboard entertainment. But, it was great to enjoy some warm weather and get a little sunburned. Our ports were Grand Bahamas Island, Nassau, and then Norwegian's private island of Great Stirrup Cay. Unfortunately, though, we missed our last port because of rough seas. In order to get to the private island, the large ship has to drop anchor off shore and then take the people to the island via smaller boats. So, since the seas were too rough for the small boats, the captain cancelled the last port. Bummer. We then just spent all day on the ship floating around the Carribean. We made it back to Miami pretty early Friday morning and hopped on a bus to the airport. Our flight wasn't scheduled to leave until about 4 pm so since we didn't want to sit in the airport all day, we paid a little to get an earlier flight and got back to Philly around 3 pm. Then, without even stopping by the house, we set off for another trip to western Maryland. So, that is where I am now. Sitting here hanging with Christian and his dad on a gloomy chilly day.

I should also tell you that I'm writing this post using my iPhone so please pardon any typos. Anyway, this is Christian's last full week in the states before he leaves for his detachment to Sicily. I'll definitely miss him. :(. This week is also chock full of doctors appointments regarding fertility testing. He has two tests and then we meet with the doc to go over results on Thursday. So, please wish us luck and keep us in your prayers. I'll hopefully be able to update y'all soon. Wednesday is my day trip to NYC with Vicki to see the Dr. Oz Show! We're so excited! She also volunteered us for certain segments so I'll let y'all know if we're going to make it on tv!! Other than a dentist appointment mixed in there, that pretty much captures our week coming up.

Also, three weeks from today, Mom and I will be on our way to Rome! Ahhhh I'm so excited! Then, we get back and I'm home for a week and then I'll be heading home for a week. I'm super excited about going home too! I miss my family and girlfriends! I also miss the Fish House, Dharma Blues, Peg Leg's and McGuires! Oh, speaking of McGuires, any of you doing the run next weekend, please know that I'm green with envy! And speaking of envy, I'm very jealous of the Gulf Coast residents celebrating Mardi Gras this weekend and coming week! Man, the northeast is sure missing out on that celebration! Catch some beads for me!!

Alright everyone, I think I'm getting carpal tunnel in my thumbs from typing this whole post on my phone. So, I hope all of you are having a great weekend!! Love y'all!

