Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to Life

Hey y'all,

Just wanted to send an update on all that has been going on.  I had my D&E on Friday and all went well.  I felt fine that evening and was told to resume pretty much regular activity the next day.  So, I did!  We've had amazing weather this weekend so we've spent a lot of time outside and with friends.  Christian and I got each other bikes for Mother's Day and Father's Day and finally got around to picking them out and buying them this weekend.  We got Max a seat for the back of my bike and he loves it!  So, we've been doing a lot of riding, too!

Anyway, everything with my procedure went well and we should know the pathology results this week to determine if it was, in fact, a molar pregnancy.  If it was, then I'll have to just have my hormones monitored for the next 6 months or so to make sure none of that tissue grows back.  I'll go back to the doc in about two weeks for my post-op and get a plan of action then.  Everything should be fine.

Emotionally, we're doing really well.  I feel a little strange for having almost no emotional reaction to this (other than the moment I found out) but I just feel like it's something that was meant to happen and it's nothing I can change.  So, why worry?  I think if this would have been our first pregnancy, I would have been absolutely devastated.  So hard.  But, I'm utterly in love with my Max and he keeps me busy and on my toes so I have plenty to keep me busy right now.  Christian is doing well too.  I think we both have the same attitude towards this.  I keep asking him if he's really OK and I'm pretty certain that he is.  :)  So, it's just one of those things.  I think we're going to wait a few months to try again (whether we medically have to or not).  We're just going to take this time and focus on our family of three.  We have a big trip to Europe next month, a trip to New Hampshire in October and then the holidays right around the corner.  So, we'll be busy.  :)

Christian's detachment starts next Monday so that's kind of a bummer.  But, I'm hoping my mom comes up one weekend to keep me company!  Almost all of my girlfriends up here are also going to be husband-less because their hubs are all leaving on the same trip too!  So, I'll be in good company.  We already all have a moms' night out planned and we actually all got babysitters!  Yay!  haha

Anyway, just wanted to send an update and let y'all know that we're a-ok.  We have more gorgeous weather (sunny with a high of 79!) today so Max and I will be hanging outside.



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