Wednesday, July 4, 2012

*Happy Fourth of July!*

Hi everyone!

I know I haven't posted in a while but here's a quick update before I get into my regularly intended post for today:

Our trip to Florida was AWESOME!  I did NOT want to leave the family and Max had a great time spending time with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends.  He turned four months the day we got down there and I seriously think a switch flipped inside his little body at that point because he all of a sudden became so much more fun and happier!  He started napping better during the day so that helped his mood tremendously!  He's still up every 2-3 hours at night but we're working on that this week.  :-/  He also has started eating solids.  I wasn't being very consistent with it until this week.  We now have dinner at about 6-6:30 and then I nurse him when I put him down at 8.  So far, he really loves carrots and bananas!

So anyway, I hope you all are having a great holiday!  I know most of the country is going through a brutal heat wave and we're in on that too!  It was about 95 here today!  But, a nice breeze made it bearable in the shade.

Christian got home around 3 a.m. this morning from his three week trip to Japan.  It's so great to have him home!  We had SUCH an awesome day today.  Nothing really special but I have to say, today ranks up there as one of the best days of my life.  It was just a great summer day.  We woke up and played with Max a little before he went down for a good nap.  Then, we went a looked at furniture because I want to get rid of our coffee table and get one of those cocktail ottomans.  I found one that I LOVE but it's a little pricey.  So, I have to try and sell our coffee table and matching sofa table before Christian will even think about it.  haha  So, after furniture shopping, we just came back home and boys both took a nap.  :)  After that, we headed out to a BBQ.  My friend Talia who lives a few houses down from us and who has a little boy two weeks younger than Max invited us to her in-law's house for the afternoon.  Her in-laws were actually down at their shore house so it was just a bunch of people around our age and their kids over there.  It was so much fun.  They have a pool so we got in and let Max swim for a while.  He LOVES the water.  He swam for the first time when we were in Florida.  We were in the pool for about 30 minutes and he was kickin' the whole time!  So much fun.  I got some great pictures and video.

Like I mentioned earlier, Max has become such a fun baby.  He smiles and laughs all the time and he's so good!  So, it has been AWESOME for Christian to see how much he changed in a measly little three weeks!  Christian and I both fed Max his carrots tonight and cracked up so many times at how goofy our little guy is.  Then, we gave him a bath and played a little after bathtime and I stood back and just watched as Christian made Max crack up by blowing on his tummy.  Tears came to my eyes as I thought how wonderful my life is.  We are truly blessed.

So, all in all, a pretty perfect day here in Moorestown, New Jersey.  Max is now in bed and Christian and I are relaxing and watching New York's fireworks on TV.

Well, happy fourth everyone!  "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free"!



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