Saturday, February 4, 2012

15 more days!

I truly can't believe that any day now, I could become a MOM!  What the heck!?  I'll be the first to admit, it scares me a little bit.  Don't get me wrong, I really think I'll be a great mom and Christian will be a wonderful dad but the whole life-turning-upside-down thing freaks me out.  Of course, I know that anxiety will go away once I see my little man's face.  But, whoa.... it's a change.  haha  (Ironically, I'm listening to Seal's version of Otis Reading's "A Change is Gonna Come" right now)

Well, nothing much has been going on since my last post.  More and more preparation and cleaning constantly so I won't have to come home to an unorganized house.  I'm getting a little frustrated with the whole cloth diapering thing.  We're definitely still doing it but it's a little annoying that I have to order everything online and can't touch, feel, rub things before I buy them!  I just have to believe the thousands of reviews and suggestions people have.  There isn't a single cloth diapering or "green baby" store around here!  I can't believe that... especially since we're so close to a big city.  If I knew we were staying in this area, I would definitely consider going into that business in Philly.  I think there's ONE store over on the west side of the Philly area in Media, PA.  It would take me like 45 minutes to get over there so it's just not worth it.  There's one woman around here in Collingswood, NJ that offers a cloth diapering workshop but she doesn't have a store.  And, the next workshop she's hosting isn't until March.  So, looks like we're just going to have to wing it.  I'm pretty excited about doing it and the little challenge.  We'll see how it goes.  :)

Speaking of ordering things online.... looks what my darling husband got me!!! New Ugg slippers for my trek around the hospital... and, around anywhere really.  :)  The red (actually more of a red-salmon color) will be here Tuesday!  I'm so excited.  I wear the crap out of my Ugg boots now b/c my feet stay cold at home and I don't like wearing socks (picture me in a nightgown, pregnant, with Ugg boots.....  haha).  The boots are a bit bulky so I'm super pumped about the slippers.

And, speaking of my trek around the hospital, I did the tour of the Labor/Delivery/Mother/Baby units this morning.  As many of you know, I'm not huge on healthcare.  For whatever odd reason (which I don't even know), I just don't trust hospitals and healthcare in general.  I just feel like there are so many cases where things are done to the benefit of the hospital/doctor and not to my benefit or in my best interests.  So, seeing the rooms, nurses, contraptions, and all that jazz did not help ease any anxiety that I have.  And, the fact that I'm attempting to have a natural birth throws a whole other loop in that knot of anxiety.  Bottom line is that I don't feel super supported in my best case scenario birth plan.  I'm not sure if I just didn't do enough research to find the best doc or what but none of the docs that I've seen have been like "OK, super!" when I told them I want to have my baby naturally.  They all tend to tell me some version of "well, we don't like our patients to be in pain".  Really guy?  Ugh.  Oh well, we'll just see how much of a crazed lunatic I have to become to make sure people do what I want.  :)  Remember- I said best case scenario.... I know things could change and medical intervention could become necessary.  

Ok, enough about that.  Anyone have any big plans for the Superbowl tomorrow?  Christian has a drill weekend this weekend so he's working most of the day tomorrow.  We have no plans for the game.  I was thinking about making tailgating food (meatballs, cheese dip, etc) and just hanging out here at the house.  That sounds like fun to me!  Plus, I'm down to a very limited wardrobe now days so finding something cute and comfortable is no fun when trying to get ready to go out somewhere!  haha  I guess I'll be rooting for the Giants simply because of our proximity to their stadium.  Other than that, I really couldn't care less.  I'm pretty pumped to see Madonna's performance and the new commercials.  

Well, anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend!  Do a little rain dance or something to help me go into labor!  haha  



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